
Large, powerful, and critical to the efforts of the other baronies, Allerfeldt benefits tremendously from its fertile soil and expansive, flat land that allows for easy travel and rapid communication. Goldhall is the traditional seat of the Sephone family, the castle from which Baroness Katrin rules over her lands. Goldhall is the result of several hundreds of years of construction, and represents the legacy of the Sephone family. High spires, grand halls, vast storehouses, and immense barracks all serve to make Goldhall one of the most impressive castles in all the baronies, a veritable fortress defending the whole of Allerfeldt from its enemies.

In recent times, Goldhall has taken on a more administrative than military role. Owing to its vast complexes, immense library, and facilities to host dignitaries and state functions, Goldhall often serves a first point of contact for many important diplomatic actions in the baronies. The High Seat of Goldhall has been the site of many a treaty and declaration of war, while the Weeping Causeway, built by a Sephone ancestor as a memorial to his slain father, has long served as a mustering ground for the combined armies of Allerfeldt.

Geopolitical, Barony
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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