The Eight-Pointed Star

The Eight Pointed Star has existed since the dawn of civilization. Their beliefs and clerics have protected the Empire for thousands of years.
The Star wields tremendous political power and clerics who violate laws of the Empire rarely face the same justice the common folk do.


Rank Honorific Insignia
The Living God Most Radiant The Emperor
Council of Elders Your Eminence Silver Star with Points Council of Eight, who oversee the church
Arch Bishop Your Grace Silver Star with Center Presides over multiple provinces
Bishop Your Grace Silver Eight Pointed Star Presides over a province
High Priest Father Superior Star with Points Presides over multiple cities
Priest Father Star with Center Bead Presides over a city
Abbot Abbot White Eight Point Star Presides over a small Temple
Deacon Brother White Four Point Star Wandering Priests
Disciple Disciple Thread Four Point Star
Acolyte Acolyte Shaved Head


The Eight-Pointed Star, in its current iteration, operates on the complete loyalty and devotion of the populace and the idea that arcane and druidic magic is evil and demonic. Devotion to the Final Empire and the Star is essential and violation of this is punishable by a variety of sanctions including death. Association with those who have violated this devotion often results in exile, loss of status or citizenship, or worse – depending on the whims of the local official. Using illegal magic is also punishable by death. The Star tends to have a xenophobic view of the world.


The Star possesses considerable real estate across the Empire and a fortune rivaling most kingdoms. By Imperial law, the Star may not have an army. Thou the fighting orders of The Closed Book, the Eighth Point, the Church of Black and the Inquisitors are allowed as they often pursue secular interests. The Star often uses the Blessed to defend small temples, or mercenaries in the instance of more challenging threats.

Mythology & Lore

At the Dawn of Time, the Eight gathered the Nemisian people together to protect them from the savages of Terusha and the followers of The Sovreign, a horrific nightmarish creature known to hunt and prey upon the Nemisians. The Father led them, the Mother cared for them, the Warrior protected them, the Crone guided them, the Maid loved them, the Child needed them and the Smith prepared them and when their time came, the Reaper took them. The Nemisians prospered under the protection of the Eight. When they died, The Eight ascended to godhood, and continue their vigil from beyond.

Divine Origins

Maesters of the Citadel are unsure where this religion began, as much of history is lost. It is heretical to question the origins of the Eight, however, some have theorized The Eight were powerful heroes, worshipped by early Nemisians.

Cosmological Views

The Star does not believe Terusha was created by the Eight, or that the Eight control the winds, or rain. Terusha itself is seen as an enemy of the people and it must be harnessed for the faithful to be prosperous.

Tenets of Faith

The Eight-Pointed Star emphasizes Obedience, Adherence to Laws, Protection of Borders, Hatred of Magic and Outsiders


The Eight-Pointed Star, in its current iteration, operates on the complete loyalty and devotion of the populace and the idea that arcane and druidic magic is evil and demonic. Devotion to the Final Empire and the Star is essential and violation of this is punishable by death. Association with those who have violated this devotion often results in exile, loss of status or citizenship, or worse – depending on the whims of the local official. Using illegal magic is also punishable by death.


The Star requires sacrifice and adherence to the laws. Service is to be attended during holy days and twice a week where some sort of sacrifice is required to appease the Eight.


The Emperor is considered the leader of the church, though this is mostly as a figure head. The Council of Elders – Sixteen leaders – rule the Star. Below them, the Archbishops oversees multiple provinces; Bishops oversee a single province. High Priests preside over multiple cities; Priests preside over a single city. Abbots run a single church in a village and Deacons are the wandering priests of the Eight. Disciples and Acolytes are the lowest members of the clergy and are mostly in training. Status is denoted by how ornate the Eight-Pointed Star is on the member’s clothing.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics of the Eight-Pointed Star may use the domains of Arcana, Order, Peace, War, Life, Forge, Knowledge, Twilight, Trickery, Grave and Death.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Eight-Pointed Star has been inextricably tied to the Final Empire, since the days of the Octavian Dynasty. No wedding, knighting, ascension or ceremony worth mentioning occurs without the Star overseeing it.
Due to proclamations by the first Emperor during the Age of Prosperity, the Star and the governments of the Empire would be separated. This has largely held as the standard for almost 600 years, with very few exceptions.


Each kingdom has a different aesthetic, however, the Star looks the same all across the Empire. Various sects have popped up over the centuries, however, the main branch of the Star purges any new sect that gains enough members.

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Associated Fighting Orders:
Order of the Closed Book 
The Inquisitors 
Church of Black 
The Eighth Point
Founding Date
Early Primus Dynast
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Star.
Common Sayings:
  • Appease the Eight
  • Serve Your Purpose
  • Never Give Up, Never Surrender
Colors: Red and Black

Exiled Order

The Star claims the Platinum Church worship a demon or archfey. The Platinum Church claims the Star is corrupt and evil.


The Order of the Storm actively attack churches of the Star.