
The Crownlands are a hub of trade from every corner of the Final Empire. As the center of the Empire, the Crownlands is what the rest of the Empire is supposed to model. They are considered the height of fashion, education, infrastructure, and society.
The people of the Crownlands tend to wrap themselves in expensive items, linens, and metals to display their wealth and influence. Red is a favored color as it is the color of the dragon on the Imperial Crest and the Eight-Pointed Star. Togas with gold belts are common in the warmer months while exotic furs are more common in the colder months.
  The Crownlands are ruled over by House Arcadia, who use their Archdukes to rule entire counties, Dukes to rule major cities, with Counts and Viscounts to serve as proxies. Politically speaking, all roads lead back to the Crownlands. The land is steeped in conflict and the nobles have come to open warfare on many occasions. It has led the Emperor to break up counties so that it is harder for the lords to raise armies against each other.


The Emperor of Terusha sits as the head of the Empire and The Eight-Pointed Star. Below the Emperor sits the Four Kings. The King is allowed to rule their kingdom as they see fit, with conditions: they pay a tax to the Emperor, they allow "ambassadors of the Emperor" to operate in their kingdom, they acknowledge the Emperor of Terusha as their sovereign, the kingdom must accept the Eight as their gods, they accept Imperial coinage and power structure. The heir of a king is a prince or princess. King is an inherited title. The Kings utilize an Archduke to oversee a province or county. The heir of an Archduke is a Count, who rules in an Archduke's stead. Archduke is an inherited title. A Duke rules a large city and the surrounding area. The heir of a Duke is a Marquis, who rules in a temporary manner for the Duke. This is an inherited title. A Viscount manages smaller cities for a higher lord. This is not an inherited title. A Castellan manages the goings-on of a castle for a higher lord, though they are a knight in, and in the castle itself, their word can only be overwritten by the lord's family. Each village is overseen by a Knight, who is served by an Esquire, also known as a "Squire," or a knight in training.   Those of Viscount or higher, are served by a Mage Council, known as a Council of Eight, and a representative of the Star. Those of Duke or higher are served by a Mage Council, a Maester of the Citadel and representative of the Star.   In theory, the Council of Eight should have eight members, though few hold all eight members. A Maester serves the keep to which they are assigned, though they may become familiar with the families they serve, and may even be trusted advisors, they serve the Empire. The representative of the Star is simply a member of the church, and serves as a spy for the Empire and an advisor on moral matters. The representative is usually of equivalent station to the lord they advise. They are to keep the lord's soul from falling to darkness, and ensure the lord follows the Eight.   Merchants and Guildsmen are considered Freeman. A Freeman is not bound to the land and may choose their own course. The leader of a community and point of contact with the local lord, is known as a Reeve. Those who work the fields and the land are known as serfs. Serfs earn a minimal amount for themselves and are tied to the land.   In Tev and Ilvin if a serf becomes so impoverished they cannot pay their debts, they can sell themselves into slavery. These people are no longer consedered people and are considered property.


The Crownlands are the one area of the Final Empire that does not need to be forced to compliance with military might. However, the Crownlands know their history and know they are not invincible and showing a military presence is a good way to demonstrate the power of the Empire.
The Crownlands retain the Nemisian Fleet, which consists of 27 ships and 8,300 sailors, and the Legion of the Crown, which has the standard 30,000 legionnaires. The Crownlords have the ability to raise almost 44,000 troops should it be needed.
All of the resources of the Empire can be mobilized to protect the Crownlands which puts the fighting orders of The Eight-Pointed Star at their disposal, those being InquisitorsThe Eighth Point, Church of Black and the Order of the Closed Book  The Select and the Imperial Guard are also considered active at all times.


Worship of The Eight is the only worship that is allowed. Worship of any of the pagan deities is punishable by death. This is large embraced and supported by the populace, with few individuals hiding their worship of other deities.

Agriculture & Industry

The foundation of the diet in the Crownlands is vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains. Meals are built around these plant-based foods. Moderate amounts of dairy, poultry and eggs are also central to the Imperial Diet, as is seafood. In contrast, red meat is considered a delicacy and is usually only eaten by nobles.
As such, the fields of the Crownlands are magically enhanced by the Star to help them grow food.


All citizens of the Empire are to attend school until the age of 10. During this time, they are to learn how to read, write, basic arithmetic, devotion to The Eight and loyalty to the Empire. School is usually done in the afternoons so that lower classes can work the fields, or help their families as merchants. Nobles tend to hire tutors to further educate their children in a variety of subjects.
Those who choose to pursue education to their highest levels join the Maester's Guild.


The Crownlands have deep wells and aqueducts to bring water to its citizens. Many major cities have intricate sewage disposal systems, public services, and local theatre. The roads near Dragon's Rest are paved, helping in travel.
Founding Date
0 E.Y.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
The Imperial coinage is stamped with the Emperor's face and a dragon, though all metals are accepted via weight. The economy works off of the gold system.
Official Name Nickname Coinage
Imperius Crown 10 pp
Octani High Star 1 pp
Solari Royal 1 gp
Terrin Halfsol 1 ep
Volanti Tenpenny 1 sp
Centira Copperling 1 cp
Major Exports
Lead, wool, tin, wine, olive oil, pottery and papyrus.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Major Cities:
Dragon's Rest
Nightsong, Crow's Nest, Seagate, Duskendale, Griffin's Roost, Stonehelm, Mistwood, Gallowsgrey, Evenfall, Blackhaven, Harvest Hall, Greenstone, Farpoint,
Rain House, Bronzegate, Gold Fort     Great Houses of the Crownlands are House Arcadia, House Connington, House Tarth, and House Wylde.
Lesser Houses of the Crownlands are House Caron, House Morrigen, House Mallister, House Anar, House Swann, House Mertyn, House Trant, House Dondarrion, House Selmy, House Estermont, House Brune, House Buckler, and House Everett
Lords: Jhaerys Arcadia, Jon Connington, Servan TarthCasper WyldeRoland CaronLesra MorrigenJason MallisterGulian SwannMary MertynDarryn TrantBerdric DondarrionArstan SelmyEldon EstermontBernard BruneRalph Buckler, Eva Everett


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