New Haven

New Haven is the capital of the planet Novis, and the most populated city in the Hedron star system. The city's metropolitan area takes up roughly 20,000 square kilometers with an estimated population of almost 100 million people, while the city proper has a population of over 50 million.

Industry & Trade

New Haven is the largest urban economy on Novis by gross domestic product, leading Novis as a business hub due to its extensive industrial region.


New Haven was established as the capital of Novis in 17 UE, soon after the colonies declared their independence and united as the Novis Colonial Authority. The city quickly became an industry hub thanks to its proximity to the sea, allowing for the mass import and export of goods.   As of 88 UE, the city is also home to Novis' tallest building, the HexGen Spire.
Founding Date
17 UE
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
!Unknown Data Input // Scraped Data // Type: 'Secret Histories'


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