Archeon Explorers' Union

The union is a nation and an organization at the same time. Founded nearly two centuries after the Fourth Age, The Calamity by gnomes who worked in the Archadian Empire. They wanted to find the reason why the continent exploded and recover lost Magitech. For many decades, they worked as a small expedition in the Archeon Islands, having their base of operations on the Nuvella Island (which once contained the Nuvella city). Everything changed after The Second Divergence, when the city of Quadropolis became public knowledge. The gnomes from the city and many other patrons showed up to the explorers and their numbers grew tremendously. Now, the island has thousands of citizens working for the Explorers' Union and they even diversified their goals, sending expeditions to other places like the Demonic Jungles Region or the Titancorpse Glacier.
Geopolitical, Republic


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