Demonic Jungles Region

Long ago, this region was once a desert, during the Second Age, Godswar and ruled by hordes of Demons. Much has changed in a small passage of time, a beautiful jungle took over the landscape, filling every battlefield and fortress the demons had. Most of the demons returned to their Demonic Corridors, but some stayed, opening many passageways to their brothers and sisters. The jungles are infested with demons, to this day. Most staying in the Northern Demonic Jungle, where they would raid Ossyria (now many other nations of Azura) or Tailos (now the Timescar). The Southern Demonic Jungle is less infested, mostly explored and still rich with resources, however, it isn't less dangerous. The demons that roam here, come from the north, where most of the demonic portals are still open and go along way to raid the civilized regions of Arakhor. Through the millenia, many southern parts of the jungle became civilized (the more south you go, the less demonic it is). Nations of the Tabaxi arose - Zambezia and Malkaazar. While others are close to the Arakhor border, sometimes they are reffered to exist in that continent, namely the Orlynthaar of the elves, Tenebria and Solthea. The cultural break off point between the continent of Azura and Arakhor seem to be the jungles and whatever the Tabaxi lands are as the border.


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