Dark Mother

As the Aspect of the Savioress, the Dark Mother guides the Drow in the Undertethys in a constant fight with her betrayer children - Assassin and Eternal Blade. Worshippers of the Dark Mother believe that they can attone for their sins against their goddess, if they annihilate the rest of the betrayers. However, they lack the numbers to do so and it has became an constant war behind the scenes leading many Drow to live with paranoia. Clerics of the Dark Mother would form secret cults inside the cities of Dark Elves and bring them down.  


The Dark Mother came to existence during the Third Age, Kingdoms as the betrayer elves ran to Undertethys. Some still wanted to worship the Savioress but couldn't hear any answers until centuries later. Their Mother was angry with them, furious even. They had to beg for forgiveness, thus a darker, unforgiving mother-god came to existence, an Aspect of the Savioress. She steered the underground cities of the Drow (which take took as a name meaning betrayers). This led to a clash with the Assassin and Eternal Blade, filling the streets with dead bodies in a never game of intrigue and backstabbing.  


  • You have betrayed me, you will atone for all your sins, even with the cost of your life
  • There are others, more betrayers, kill them when you have a chance
  • You will receive redemption in your holy crusade but only if you are ready
  • Relationships with other Gods

    The Dark Mother is a stain on the Greater Deity but she can't fight her directly, thus many worshippers of the Savioress fight worshippers of all three Drow gods (Dark Mother, Eternal Blade and Assassin) thus dividing their forces even more. The children of Savioress hate the Dark Mother, seeing her as the true nature of their mother.  

    Cleric Domains



    Drow, Punishment  


    None, Aspect  


    Chaotic Evil  

    Known Aspects

    Dark Mother is the Aspect of the Savioress
    Divine Classification
    Known Aspect of Savioress


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