Atlas' Prison

The prison of the Titan Atlas. Before you can even get close, you need to get past the dangerous Everfrost, after that there are many magical (and non-magical) traps around the place, stretching for kilometers. You will see his prison from afar, kilometers tall walls surround him. If you get close enough, you will be stopped by the Titan Watchers, who here are mostly Elves. Some call them Glacial Elves as they, over the centuries, adapted to the harsh climate. If you aren't on official business, you will be interrogated and maybe even killed for trespassing on sacred ground. If for some reason you will be allowed to get near, you will be halted again at the half-kilometer mark. From this point to the walls, these lands are constantly observed by the gods themselves. If anybody tries to get near it, without their approval, they will be smitten with a holy vengeance. However, if the gods deem you worthy, you will be able to get near the walls. Every millimeter is carved by millennia-old magic, consecrated by the most powerful clerics, Exarchs and Chosen. You won't be able to get past the walls, as there are no doors or magical way to get past them, even the gods themselves can't. This can be achieved only by the Titan himself. He can approve "guests" visiting him and they will be transported high above the walls, where they will be face-to-face with the Betrayer. Standing inside a giant crater, holding "creation itself" above his head, forever frozen in this position unless he wants to be destroyed. Very few mortals were able to gain an audience with the Titan, last time was during his shifting in the Third Age, Kingdoms known as Great Quake.


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