
The immovable goddess of the earth, Bhumu'devudu, for the longest time was a mystery - which side she is on. History showed that she is capable of helping mortals, thus she gained a following on the Material Plane but she still has the most followers in the Elemental Planes. Clerics of the goddess of the earth seek to fight those that would destroy it, while at the same time wanting all land to change as slowly as possible.  


Bhumi'devudu was once a great friend of the god of air, Gali'devudu. They would be inseparable for the most of the Second Age, Godswar. They both joined the War of the Elements brought by their brother, Agni'devudu, the god of fire, and his wife, Niti'devudu, the goddess of air. Everything changed when their enemy, Divine King, attacked with all of his might. At that time, Gali'devudu was very far as he felt that the war was a mistake and left his good friend still in it. Bhumi'devudu was struck the most, almost disappearing into dust. She was taken to the Elemental Planes to recover but once she saw her friend's face, she denounced their friendship. For her, it was his fault that he wasn't there when she needed him the most, so the god of air ran away and sought solace in being all alone. This left Bhumu'devudu alone too but she wouldn't budge even an inch. Her powers were waning over the years, some speculated that she lost her godhood in the Elemental Planes. This changed during the Third Age, Kingdoms, when the Great Quake happened. Bhumu'devudu decided to do something and she helped the locals in finding the reason for the constant earthquakes. This felt good for her, so much later, she helped the Sunlord awaken Thea, the goddess of Tethys. Even if that should have been her, she didn't feel sad by it. However, her solid shell began to crack and some say that she might rekindle the friendship with the god of air someday.  


  • Do not change for others, do so when the time is right
  • The earth is holy, do not destroy it
  • Find solace in the earth, let it embrace your problems
  • Relationships with other Gods

    She is the third most important person in the Elemental Forces, as her once-friend doesn't contribute much to their alliance. Over time, she found allies outside the pantheon, which only brought ire to her relationship.  

    Cleric Domains



    Earth, Changelessness, Elemental Plane of Earth  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    True Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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