Bright Axe

Many good people follow the Bright Axe, not only dwarves, as he is the god of truth and oaths. Those that swear onto him are bound by their word. Clerics of the Bright Axe seek out oathbreakers and keep a record of all promises made.  


Bright Axe was a great hero that helped Urist Thunder. He not only told the truth but was proud that he did so, so he was punished by the same keep that murdered Urist, by being stripped of all of his belongings and set out into the desert. It is said that the dwarf survived, barely and was found again by his friend, this time reborn as a god. Bright Axe became his first Exarch for many centuries before becoming a new god himself. Since then, Bright Axe did all he could to keep all the oaths the dwarves made and fulfill them, even going to war with the Duergar over their slaughter during War of the Underworld. He is the only dwarf not accepting the Ashen Axe into The Great Sky Forge, seeing him no more than a murderer. During the Fifth Age, Current Age, he became the leading patron of Osor-mor as this nation seeks to get back at those that stole their land.  


  • Do not lie, it is not needed
  • Keep your oaths, they are more important than your life
  • Seek out those that break their oaths, do not let them go unpunished
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He is hostile to the Ashen Axe and disliked the decision that Urist Thunder by allowing him to join them in The Great Sky Forge. He made allies with other gods that seek justice and have honor.  

    Cleric Domains

    Order, War  


    Oaths, Truth, Duty  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Lawful Good  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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