Dawi Way

Also known as the Grand Way, these are series of monumental corridors built in the Undertethys by the Dwarves (with the help of other races) in the Third Age, Kingdoms. At first, it took over 100 years (many human generations) to build tunnels between major dwarven cities. However, the dwarves decided not to stop and over the next centuries (it took them over a millenium to finish) to refine it and build tunnels to other cities. At the end of their work, the Dawi Way connected all cities in the Old World, had a tunnel leading to the cities of Venland and Azura and all of it was beautifully craved with huge statues holding the ceiling and high bridges to guard from Undertethys creatures.   All beautiful things must come to an end. During the Fourth Age, The Calamity disaster struck Undertethys and with it the Dawi Way. Almost all of it fell to ruin, destroyed the only way the dwarves had to fight to victory against the Icon and it was done by none other than Vulcanus, the Icon from their creator - Father of the Forge. Many cite this as his revenge against dwarves rebelling against their sire. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, most of it is still destroyed, taken over by hostile creatures, some cities are disconnected from outside world due to this, while some still use it to this day, sometimes needing to make a dangerous detour.


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