Eternal Fire

The raging Eternal Fire would find worshippers in many dragons, not only the Red Dragons, as the embodiment of what is a dragon (hoarder of treasure) speaks to many of them. His clerics work closely for other dragons, seeking for them easy prey.  


Long ago, during The Elder War, the greatest of all Red Dragons joined the war effort in only one goal in mind - to gain unspeakable amounts of treasure. While many of them fought, the Eternal Fire built his hoard ever bigger. He was furious when the war ended and decided to continue his rampage, while the Snowfury was stopped by the Jade Emperor, the Eternal Fire wasn't. His heart was pierced by the elven god, Wise One and almost died due to his wounds. His dragon allies would dump his body to an active volcano, hoping that he would regenerate. Nothing as such happened so they robbed his blind. Eternal Fire would return during the Third Age, Kingdoms, as the Great Quake made the world tremble and the volcanos erupted, bringing him back to life as a Demigod. He would hunt those dragons that betrayed him but they were nowhere to be seen and his treasure was long lost. Thankfully, his rampage was stopped this time by the Jade Emperor, who offered him work fighting the Elder Pantheon. Later, during the Fourth Age, The Calamity he would ascend to a True God.  


  • Create your treasure hoard, safeguard it well as others will seek to take it
  • Allow the volcano to rage inside you, it will bring you great benefits
  • Fight for what you believe to be true and take what you believe is yours by right
  • Relationships with other Gods

    While he treats other gods in the Chromatic Alliance as beneath him and only the Jade Emperor as someone who he listens to, he treats them as allies of convenience. He sometimes goes in conflict with Surtr.  

    Cleric Domains



    Volcanos, Treasure Hoard, Red Dragons  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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