Great Buffer

Lepidia was almost destroyed in the Fourth Age, The Calamity, even after the Iconian Empire was destroyed, they couldn't return to full strength and most it lands fell into the hands of the Divine Empire. However, once Vecna Foiled happened, it shattered the world and the Post-Calamity of the Fifth Age, Current Age started. The undead rose in number due to catastrophes and hunger. The duchies that once controlled the lands of the Great Buffer and those are west of them started to fall one by one, taken back by Lepidia. After two centuries, Lepidia is again a powerful nation, and almost nothing is left of the duchies in this region. Baronies, some kings are left and they are still fighting for what is theirs. Some nations help them like Osor-imketh or Zanlantaar but others are too interested in their own self-interestes like the Confederacy of Vitae or Divine Monarchia to care enough.


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