Vecna Foiled

Celestial / Cosmic


By the combined might of the True God and their mortal servants, Vecna would be stopped at the continent of Archeron. The last stand would take place and the god known as the Wise One would be empowered by others to break through the barrier and strike a mortal blow against the Lich. Vecna would lose not only his chance of ascension but also his hand and eye. During this moment, one of the gods would become an Overgod for a split second, allowing them to create a new Divine Law known as Vecna's Law. With this enacted, all Gods returned instantly to their Gods Planes. Vecna was defeated, the Icons as well (Kardion would escape his cell and go into hiding), this marked the end of the Fourth Age, The Calamity.

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4th Age, The Calamity (article)
Riverlands Timeline
Ages of Tethys