Luigi de Capodimonte Character in Tethys | World Anvil

Luigi de Capodimonte

The High King of the Alliance of Northern Kingdoms. He leads the nations through respect and great diplomatic skills. After he became the Exarch of the Divine King, many see him as the future of the Forgotten Lands.  


Luigi de Capodimonte was the bastard son of an arrogant noble. The father went out on a journey with his son, where he mostly drank and fucked whores, while Luigi would help however he could. Over time, the noble would see the error of his ways and turn into one of the greatest paladins in the First World, saving their world in the process. Luigi would inherit many of his father's good attributes and unite the kingdoms of the Forgotten Lands under one banner. A decade after The Chronoplague, when the Alliance of Northern Kingdoms was formed, he was visited by the avatar of the Divine King, who proclaimed himself to be his father, Mario de Capodimonte, in the divine. In that moment, Luigi was chosen to become the only Exarch of the Divine King in the Fifth Age, Current Age, sending a powerful political and religious turmoil across the world, mainly in the Divine Empire.
Divine Classification
Exarch, Portfolio of Loyalty
Year of Birth
5685 A.P. -1945 Years old


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