Alliance of Northern Kingdoms Organization in Tethys | World Anvil

Alliance of Northern Kingdoms

Situated in the Forgotten Lands this alliance spans several kingdoms, united under one ruler - Luigi de Capodimonte. Even many years after The Second Divergence, not everybody in the world believes this continent even exists. This union of elves, dwarves and humans (and other races) has some unique connection to the First Gods. Those that would come to this place, would find it not very different from others on Tethys. The differences are mainly cultural and religious. They had a different set of gods, who now are silent (most of them). They found themselves in a strange place and for better or for the worse are keeping to themselves, not venturing far from their continent. They do have an uneasy friendship with the Divine Empire, something that brings much worry in their home.


There are many kings in the Alliance but they all swear fealty to their High King Luigi de Capodimonte. There are other countries without kings (like city-states) but all serve the High King. Below that the countries each have a different organization to them, mostly feudal.


There is a ton of different cultures in the alliance. The north believes in strength, living mostly in the mountains. The elves are united on an island called Sanctuary and the Redeemed Forest. The dwarves are very religious (or greedy, in the north). Humans are the most diverse, spanning over five kingdoms.

Public Agenda

The alliance's goal is survival. They are in a strange, new world and they want to keep to themselves. The need to show unity is the upmost important. They do send out diplomats and envoys to other parts of the world, mainly to learn about it.


Some belief the Alliance to be as strong as the Jadeite Empire or Divine Empire, even if they are slightly less, a war with them would be very bloody. They do lack a big navy.


If you believe the First World Theory, the kingdoms of the Forgotten Lands have a vast history from their world. Their continent is only a third of its original size (the cutoff point is at the Timescar). Before being "transported" to this world, they were gearing up a great war against an empire called the Great Empire of Freedom, which wanted to destroy all religions. They weren't fully stopped since a group of heroes named the Golden Shield had to save the world from an outside threat called the Eye of Many. The planet started to break - earthquakes, floods and many more. It almost destroyed the whole world but then, a sudden flash blinded everyone. The continent appeared on Tethys. Many died in the preceding disasters, like the city of Quadropolis (see Quadropolis). Others disappeared completely. Over the next twenty years, they worked out what has happened. Their heroes became gods, saved the world, and recreated it, only differently. A heretical idea to many outside the Alliance. The kingdoms united under the son of one of the heroes - Luigi de Capodimonte, who in turn met with the Divine Empire. Some say that his father and the Divine King are the same - another heretical idea. Everything seemed to go alright (minus the religious schisms), until The Chronoplague happened. While most of the Forgotten Lands were unaffected and the Chrombies were quickly dispatched, the same couldn't be said about other parts of the world. It was a plague that showed up everywhere and the relations with the Alliance worsened. Many diplomats were killed or cast out, people that appeared on the other continents ran away to the Alliance. Many in the Northern Kingdoms fear that if the Divine Empire falls, they would lose their only "ally" in this world and their neighbors might see them as easy prey.

Together Strong. United in Purpose. All Equal.

Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Alliance of the Golden Shield, Golden Shield, Aegis Aurae
First Worlders
Head of State


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