Mighty Hands

Mighty Hands revels in a good fight, so does his followers. Worshippers of the Mighty Hands are mainly fighters, be it unarmed or not, who seek out strong opponents to duel. They hate underhandedness, those that cheat during a fight while respecting the sanctity of duels of others. The Clerics are asked to be observers and judges of duels, as many would seek their approval for a just one.  


Mighty Hands was once a half-orc warrior during the Second Age, Godswar. He sought combat just like Crommash but he wanted something else than constant strife, a good fight. The Mighty Hands would quickly become an Immortal through sheer dedication to his fighting. Some say he fought unarmed, while others tell stories of varying weapons that he used. It was in the Fourth Age, The Calamity that he rose to the rank of a True God, as he was shown to fight for the mortals on every turn he could against the Iconian Empire. Cults formed around him that turned into religions and finally the Mighty Hands accepted his role and became a god. He joined his old "friend" Crommash in the Bloody Arena.  


  • Seek a fight to remember, do not forget its lessons even if you lose
  • Duels are sacred, never intervene or cheat
  • Fight for what you feel is right, seek victory in combat
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He has a good relationship with Crommash and an understanding with Three Deaths, while being in the Bloody Arena. He seeks duels with other gods but only those that would honor a good fight, the rest he despises.  

    Cleric Domains



    Fighters, Duels, Victory  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Lawful Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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