
Oni, often called ogre mages, are powerful, intelligent, and cunning ogres that possess several potent abilities. Such creatures stand at around 10 feet (3 meters) tall and weighed 700 pounds (320 kilograms). These spellcasting giants are humanoid but often have features that set them apart from normal giants. These could include large horns, extra or missing fingers, a third eye and skin colors that range from red to blue. Given their intelligence and their magical powers, oni prefer to dress as nobility, wearing fine clothing and armor. Despite their intelligence, they are known to be brutish and wicked. They delight in the suffering of others. The ogre mages often steal what they wanted from surrounding communities, be it property or persons. Young maidens are their favorite.   They were created in the Second Age, Godswar, after many Giants devolved into the Ogres. The Archdevil Baalzebul saw an opportunity arise and secretly experimented on the Ogres to create the Ogre Mages (later named by the people of Sailan as Oni). The legends say that he wanted to release them against the Dragons but the plan never came to fruition as the Godswar ended sooner. The Oni were freed from their bonds and quickly became leaders of many tribes, becoming the enemies of the commonfolk. Their high intelligence allowed them to become more than mercenaries, forming many tribes, transforming through experimentation humans into Oni Tieflings (Oni-ningen) and even forming a nation of Giunsan.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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