
Ogres are a race of giant-kin. Ogres appear as giant humanoids with very muscular bodies and large heads. They stand between 9 and 10 feet tall and could weigh 600 to 650 lbs. Ogres are a lazy, brutish, avaricious race with notoriously quick tempers. Their avaricious nature would often lead them distrust one another and incite squabbling over treasure. Much like hill giants, ogres are gluttonous creatures willing to eat almost anything. They enjoy the taste of raw dwarf flesh, but would also eat halfling or elf flesh when they could get it. They often use the skin and bones of their prey to fashion crude loincloths and necklaces. Ogres are known to typically associate with goblinoids, orcs, and their fellow giant-kin trolls. In the social structure of the giants, the Ordning, ogres are considered the lowest-ranked of all giant-kin. Because of this, they are typically found to be willing servants of giants. The giant races they are most often seen working alongside are hill giants and goliaths, the former of which they often traded with for trinkets or food. Many ogres work as mercenaries, hoping for easy plunder, and in that line of work they were often seen alongside goliaths. Lone hags, as well as covens, were known to employ ogres as guards, while others polymorphed ogres and sent them out to work as spies.   Their creation is shrouded in mystery. While all Giants were created to control the elements in the First Age, The Titan War by the Titan All-Father, the Ogres are said to come to life in the Second Age, Godswar. Those that wouldn't follow the Jotunnheim, quickly devolved into the Ogres. During their existence, two subraces would form - the Ogrillon, the mix between ogres and orcs, and the Oni, created by fiendish magic intelligent ogres.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants


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