
The tieflings and humans of Tenebria live under a tabaxi-lich called Emerald Mask, who gears his new nation into war with the Tabaxi of Zambezia and Malkaazar, wanting to gain access to the Moondoor Lake once again.   History While the Godscar Mountains have their share of monsters, during the Third Age, Kingdoms, they became a good way to trade between the nations of Arakhor and Azura (if you were able to pass through the Tribes of Arakhor). After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, most of these places were lost to time and war. However, some survived in the most remote parts of the mountains, thanks to the Tabaxi and their constant warfare with the demons of the jungle. Many were able to survive in the mountains, getting pass the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age. Thus, after the dust has settled and the green returned, the little villages formed their own society and founded a new nation called Tenebria. Hoping to be far from the constant politics of their cousins, they wanted to live in peace and prosper. They were even able to conduct trade with the Tabaxi in the jungles and this was one of the nails in their coffin. There were some cultists in the Zambezia, that were ousted by their leadership. Controlled by an ancient Lich, who desecrated their traditions of the moon, he sought a way to regain access to the Moondoor Lake and when the news of a rising power came to him, he went into action. The populace wasn't sure when it happened but for the lich, it was in a blink of an eye. The leaders were disintegrated, others turned into undead servants and other Tabaxi worked as his personal assassins. Even after a big revolt, the lich won and is now the king of Tenebria. Those Tabaxi under the mountains fears that he might return someday and it isn't an unfounded fear, as he is amassing power, influence, and wealth in the kingdom.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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