
This nation once controlled a large portion of the Hurghada Coast right up the Hurghada Mountains, where the dwarven nation of Cuggán-Geshud laid. However, due to the machinations of the Mummy Kings of Oziria, the swarm race of Vespoids was born and it took over the mountains, founding the Vespera Hive. After the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, the people of Viksta declared independence from the Vendel League but the happiness was short as they saw their dwarven neighbor gone, not one dwarf survived the onslaught and only those that were in Viksta at that time did. For centuries, Viksta worked with Tailos to gain a foothold on trade and maybe gain something to fight the hive. However, after The Second Divergence and that their only ally disappeared, Viksta lost everything. Now, generation after generation they are losing ground to the hive, being pushed back to the coasts. If they do not receive any help, in a matter of two generations, this might be over. Some already moved to other places.
Geopolitical, Colony


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