Viridescent Maw

The furious green, Viridescent Maw is the Aspect of the Jade Emperor. Green Dragons that follow him see the superiority of their race and seek to destroy non-dragon nations, as in their stead a new dragon ruler will rise. The clerics of the Viridescent Maw do whatever they must to topple kings and instill fear in the masses for the dragonkind.  


The green maw was the fury that left the Jade Emperor after the Gilded Hand's betrayal during The Elder War. Unable to comprehend his close friend's actions, he went into a rage unequal to any god since then. From that fury, the Viridescent Maw arose. He seeks the downfall of kingdoms that do not kneel before the dragons. Sees the elves as the weak race that was supposed to be destroyed in the Second Age, Godswar and the Elder Pantheon as the biggest traitors of all.  


  • Dragons should rule the world, make everything learn the truth
  • Trick your enemies, betray them, as they do not deserve your respect or honor
  • Bring annihilation to the traitors of the Dragonkind, as there is no redemption for them
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He works closely with the Chromatic Alliance to destroy the Elder Pantheon.  

    Cleric Domains

    War, Trickery  


    Dragonkind, Green Dragons  


    Aspect of the Jade Emperor  


    Lawful Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    Aspect of the Jade Emperor
    Divine Classification
    Aligned Organization


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