
The Red City of the East, Amphala, sprawls across the Verde Sea, her red stone walls standing true against the vagaries of the world. One of the oldest cities on Allidech, Amphala was built up by a unification of the wealthy, and remained as such. Sometimes referred to as the Silken City, Amphala became home to decadence and opulence, until the Night of Embers.   The Night of Embers forever changed the face of Amphala. Once a flawless jewel, she was forever tarnished the night that the manse belonging to Alden Dezzeret was burned, the fire spreading throughout the Silk Towers, killing hundreds in its indiscriminate rampage. As though spurred by the blaze, indentured servants across the city cast aside their bonds and threw down their masters. When the smoke cleared, and the last coals burned out, the once pristine crimson walls along the north of the city were stained an inky black, with no amount of cleansing able to scour the soot from the face of the wall. The few survivors of the fire at Dezzeret's mansion claimed an albino orc had set the fire in a mad rampage that saw dozens murdered by the orc and his compatriots. The White Orc is still hunted and feared to this day, and forced servitude no longer exists in Amphala.


Roughly half the population of Amphala is human, with the other half being fairly evenly divided between the other "civilized" races. Goblinoids, orcs, and the like are allowed to live in the city, though they are rarely treated with kindness or civility.
Alternative Name(s)
The Silken City, The Red City
Inhabitant Demonym


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