Ux-Okarthel, the City of Platinun

Ux-Okarthel(literally translated to Platinum Home) is the sprawling, lizardfolk city hidden away in the Eddenbraek Jungle, a cold-blooded nest of powerful sorcerers and bloody struggles for dominance. Those unfortunate enough to be born incapable of magic are less than even the beasts of burden, and function as little more than slave labor and currency to be exchanged for further power.   The primary governing body of Ux-Okarthel is the Ornsjach(literally, the Silver Shadow), a council of eight that earned their seats through clever deceit, forced abdications, and bloody coups. Each member is an exceptionally gifted and powerful mage, though their time in a seat is fleeting, as those in power are often removed by those who seek more, and the sickness of dragons runs yet in the veins of the lizardfolk. At the head of Ux-Okarthel's society is the emperor, the Ux-darastrix(literally, the Platinum Dragon), a wyvernkin born of flawless platinum scale, scintillating and shining as the figurehead and eventual goal of all lizardfolk.   This obsession with platinum stems from the old legends and forgotten myths of Intraxius, the silver Archdracon of Twilight and Balance, and father of all lizardfolk. The lizardfolk believe that platinum scales represent purity and the return of twilight once more, and whenever a pure platinum is born, they are raised at the center of the city in secret, groomed and trained by the Ornsjach to be the greatest among them all. As sign of devotion to their forgotten god and progenitor, sorcerers color their scales to resemble the shining hide of the Ajudicator, with patterns to inspire fear and submission. Lizardfolk with naturally occurring platinum scales who are incapable of magic are disfigured and shunned, regarded as freakish abominations, left to die at the mercy of the untamed jungles.


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