Tatou Horde

The Tatou Horde is entirely made up of orcs and the few remaining half-orcs. They are a tribal culture, created by Voun. Like the Khora Tribes, they are a warlike people. Things changed after the The Nightmare War. When Voun gave the order to attack the Nightmare races, the Tatou moved to defend Djemila a nation of humans who also lived on Kainga Island. When the Djemila fled, the Tatou took over the island and defended it against multiple Nightmare attacks. They allowed their island to become a staging area for the inversion of Easlath as well. After the Nightmare War ended, the orcs changed. While they still worship Voun as their creator, all the exposure to the other races brought in new ideas. They now see all the Waking Gods as worthy of their worship. They also have changed their practice of intertribal conflict. While they still war against each other, they have established rules of conduct to insure that casualties are kept to a minimum.   These changes have surprised the other allied nations who have tenuously began relations with the Tatou. Many, though, are skeptical of the violent orc nature.   Their crest has a traditional Tatou mask on a shield with a Tatou bone fishhook on top and it is flanked by a pair of orcish blades. Their motto, revised after the Nightmare war, reads: "Fist of the gods."  

Quáre ainova

Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Neighboring Nations

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