The Kingdom of Archangeli

The Kingdom of Archangeli, often called The Regnum Superstites or The Kingdom of Survivors because of its extreme crime rate and its citizens’ perseverance despite it, is known for its rich history, culture, and magical scholars. The Kingdom of Archangeli is home to one of the 13 Light Warrior academies, Virum Spirititus, and the best and oldest magical academy on Majjia, Nakiton Institute of the Arcane. Archangeli was also one of the first kingdoms to receive a beacon, towering structures imbued with magical runes that harnessed power akin to Earth's coal, oil, or nuclear plants, which produces most of the kingdom’s energy.   Archangeli is a very magical gifted kingdom and out of all 13 kingdoms it is the kingdom with the most magic shops. It is a kingdom rich in natural resources like bronze, phosphorus, marble, and stone as well as rich and fertile soil. Archangeli is home to many different kinds of industry but its most prominent industry is wood and agriculture since much of Archangeli is covered in dense forests. Archangeli also has the third largest fishing industry in the world.   However, the legal industry isn’t the only one to make money in Archangeli, it also has a very large illegal industry mostly revolving around drugs, weapons, spell books, potions, and magical items that have been outlawed by the government. As Archangeli is home to two of the most infamous criminal organizations in the world, the Kyūketsu Kōmori, led by former Knight of Blood Blair Daitan and the Pirates of Voleur, led by former Admiral of the Navy Captain Atlas November.   The people of Archangeli are resilient, kind, and highly religious, worshiping the draylian gods of Veta (Goddess of Life), D’mai (Goddess of Death), Sran Kai and Sran Kay (Twin Goddesses of The Moon and Magic), and Rad (God of the Sun). Because Archangeli is a kingdom of magic it has the most temples dedicated to Sran Kai and Sran Kay.   Archangeli is located on the western half of the continent Amity and used to be a part of the kingdom of Bellum before declaring independence in 1840 which led ultimately to the War of Saints.


Each kingdom is ruled by a monarch, which may be either a King or Queen. The monarchy is typically hereditary and is considered the highest authority within the kingdom. Their roles include:
  • Head of State: The monarch serves as the ceremonial and symbolic head of the kingdom. They represent the traditions, culture, and identity of the realm.
  • Government Leader: While their actual powers may vary from kingdom to kingdom, monarchs typically hold a significant role in the governance of their kingdom.
The Kingdom Council is an advisory body that supports the monarch in decision-making and governance. It typically consists of nobles, advisors, and other officials chosen by the monarch. Their roles include:
  • Advisory Role: Members of the Kingdom Council offer advice and expertise to the monarch on various matters, such as lawmaking, administration, and policy formulation.
  • Local Administration: The council helps manage the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom, such as law enforcement, taxation, and public services.
  • Laws and Regulations: They participate in the development of local laws and regulations, which must align with broader laws set by the Central Council.

Demography and Population

Population- 61,128,064
  • Elf(40%)
  • Dragons(25%)
  • Pixie(20%)
  • Werewolves(10%)
  • Vampire(10%)
  • Unicorns(4%)
  • Other (1%)
Population Density
  • 89% urban
  • 11% rural
Ethnic Groups
  • 82% Natives
  • 12% Local and distant-origin immigrants
  • 6% Refugees
Religious Beliefs
  • 90% Major religion
  • 6% Agnostic
  • 4% Atheist
Life Expectancy:
Male: 100 years, Female: 90 years
Average children per family: 3
There is 2 official languages with several others spoken


Archangeli shares an eastern border with the Kingdom of Bellum. Archangeli has many different regions such as the bloody mountains in the south and White Magic Forest in the north. There is also Lake Amethyst which is just north of the Bloody mountains and Lake Crystal which is in the north west. The Blood River which flows through both Bellum and Archangeli is to the far north. Dragon’s Waterfall is just 38 miles east of the capital which leads into Dragon’s River. Archangeli has control over four territories, a collection of islands off the western coast of Amity known as The Angel Island. Individually these islands are known as Gabriel The Messenger Island, Moonlight Isle, Hope Island, and Melenie Contican. The Royal Governors of each island are Justice Draiocht, Charlotte Color, Emerald Ruby, and Miracle Lunar respectively.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture in Archangeli is a cornerstone of the kingdom's economy and sustains its food supply with a blend of traditional and modern practices. The kingdom's fertile lands yield a diverse range of crops, including wheat, barley, corn, and various vegetables, while orchards thrive with fruits such as apples, pears, and berries. Modern urban farming employs advanced techniques like mechanized equipment and irrigation systems, whereas rural areas still rely on traditional hand-plowing and harvesting methods. Additionally, Archangeli's agriculture integrates magical practices where mages enhance crop yields through weather control, soil enrichment spells, and the use of magical creatures. Sustainable farming practices, such as crop rotation and organic farming, are becoming more prevalent to address environmental concerns.   The industrial sector in Archangeli is vibrant and evolving, driven by a blend of historical influences, technological advancements, and magical integration. The kingdom's manufacturing sector produces a wide array of goods, from textiles and metalwork to machinery. A unique facet of Archangelian industry is the creation of magical artifacts, including enchanted jewelry and spell books. Mining operations extract valuable resources like bronze and marble, supporting construction and magical industries. Textile manufacturing is notable for its blend of Victorian elegance and practicality, with magical textiles offering added comfort and protection. The food processing industry thrives on agricultural products, while skilled artisans craft intricate furniture, pottery, and glassware. Magical research and development are key, with efforts focused on harnessing magical energies for practical applications and sustainable power generation. However, economic disparities persist, with major cities benefiting more from industrial growth compared to rural areas, and a covert resistance industry has emerged to oppose the High Queen’s tyranny.

Trade & Transport

Archangeli's trade and transport systems are vital to its economy, with coastal cities and ports along Lake Amethyst and Lake Crystal serving as key hubs for domestic and international trade. The kingdom boasts an extensive road network connecting urban centers, towns, and rural areas, although horse-drawn carriages dominate due to the limited accessibility of automobiles. A well-developed railway system efficiently moves goods and passengers, particularly from mining regions to industrial centers, while waterways, including lakes and rivers, further support trade. Air travel is reserved for the elite, facilitated by the Archangelian Air Force, and international trade routes, like the Blood River, link Archangeli with neighboring kingdoms. Strict border control and customs ensure secure trade, while the robust transport network also supports the kingdom's growing tourism industry, offering visitors access via railways, roadways, and waterways.

"Ex Umbris, Coruscamus: Firmitudo in Magia et Virtute"

Kingdom Council Members

Chancellor: Olivia Blaze
Minister of Agriculture: Lincoln Smith
Minister of Treasury or Finance: Lira Sterling
Minister of Health and Welfare: Blue Jay Fields
Minister of Defense and Security: General Kingsley Stone
Minister of Education and Culture: Samuel Nexus
Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works: Oswald Hades
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy: Harper Luna
Minister of Environmental Affairs: Anubis Hades
Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs: Jenny Fear
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Regnum Superstites, The Kingdom of Survivors
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
  • Wood and Timber Products
  • Paper and Writing Utensils
  • Fish and Sea Products
  • Vegetables and Spices
  • Potions and Elixirs
  • Enchanted Artifacts
  • Craftsmanship and Art
  • Magical Textiles and Fabrics
  • Agricultural Products
  • Educational Materials
Major Imports
  • Clothing and Fabrics
  • Weaponry
  • Potion Ingredients
  • Specialized Materials and Resources
  • Food and Provisions
  • Technology and Machinery
  • Cultural and Artistic Goods 
  • Illegal Goods (communication tools, contraband materials, and other resources needed for underground activities)
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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