
Malachite is an average sized town about 50 miles or so away from the capital, Amethyst. Malachite is known for its extensive market and trade. It has one of the most well known markets in all of Archangeli, beating out Amethyst by a margin. If you can’t find something in Amethyst you are sure to find it in Malachite whether it's legal or not. The black market in Malachite is run by a group of bandits called The Crystallis. The Crystallis used to be an independent group until they started working with The Kyūketsu Kōmori a few years after Blair Datian rose to power. His cousin Amelia Hanzai is the mayor.   The Villa, the Magical Core’s secret base that was built by Sally and Jack Nightmare in the fall of 2045 is located on the outskirts of town.


Malachite, as a bustling and strategically located town in Archangeli, boasts a series of defenses to safeguard its residents, infrastructure, and valuable trade. Here's an overview of the town's defense mechanisms:   Wall and Gate System:
Malachite is surrounded by a stout stone wall with well-fortified gates at strategic points, including the main entrance and riverfront gate. These barriers serve as a primary means of protection and control.   Town Guards:
The town maintains a dedicated force of town guards responsible for law enforcement, ensuring safety, and safeguarding public order. They patrol the streets, man the gates, and respond to incidents.   River Watch:
Given its proximity to the Dragon's River, Malachite maintains a River Watch that oversees activities along the riverfront. This includes monitoring vessels, inspecting cargo, and ensuring river safety.   Militia:
In times of crisis, Malachite can call upon a local militia composed of trained residents who volunteer to defend the town. These militia members are equipped and prepared to respond to threats.   Defensive Structures:
The town features fortified structures such as watchtowers, guard stations, and stone battlements that provide elevated positions for surveillance and defense.   Underground Passageways:
In the event of a siege or emergency, Malachite has a network of underground passageways that allow for the discrete movement of people and goods while avoiding surface threats.   Warning Systems:
Warning bells and signals are used to alert the town's residents to potential dangers, whether they be from pirates, bandits, or other external threats.   Collaboration with Guilds:
The town's merchants and merchant guilds often provide additional resources for defense, as the safety of their goods and trade is closely tied to the town's security.   Thieves Guild Collaboration:
Surprisingly, the town's connection with the Black Blades, Blue Hawks, and Crystallis thieves guilds occasionally provides information about potential threats, as they have an interest in preserving the town for their activities.   Alliance with the Pirates:
While unconventional, Malachite has established a somewhat reluctant alliance with the Pirates of Voleur, acknowledging that the presence of a powerful naval force in the region can deter other maritime threats.

Industry & Trade

Malachite, situated along the renowned Dragon's River in Archangeli, boasts a unique economic landscape, shaped by its proximity to this vital waterway. Here's an overview of the town's primary industries and economic activities:   Trade and Commerce:
As a prominent trading town, Malachite's most significant industry is commerce. Its strategic location along the Dragon's River makes it a natural hub for goods coming from various regions. The town's market, including the black market, thrives on the trade of a diverse range of commodities, both legal and illicit.   Transport and Logistics:
The Dragon's River serves as a critical transportation route for the town's trade activities. Boats and barges navigate the river, facilitating the movement of goods to and from Malachite. Local businesses involved in river transport, storage, and logistics play a crucial role in the town's economy.   Warehousing and Storage:
With the constant flow of goods in and out of Malachite, the town features numerous warehouses and storage facilities. These warehouses are essential for the temporary storage of goods awaiting sale, distribution, or shipment to other destinations.   Black Market Activities:
The town's black market, operated by The Crystallis, is a significant underground economic sector. It deals in illegal and prohibited goods, including weapons, spell books, magical artifacts, and various contraband items. This sector contributes to the town's economy but operates discreetly to avoid detection.   Small-Scale Manufacturing:
Some businesses in Malachite may engage in small-scale manufacturing or artisanal production to meet the needs of the market. These activities can include crafting, repair services, and the creation of specialty items.   Riverfront Services:
Businesses along the riverfront may offer services related to river transport, such as boat repairs, maintenance, and fueling. These services support river-based commerce in the town.   Hospitality and Entertainment:
Given the town's status as a trading hub, it likely has a range of businesses in hospitality and entertainment. These establishments cater to visitors, including merchants and tourists, providing lodging, dining, and entertainment options.   Mayor's Office and Governance:
The town's governance, led by Mayor Amelia Hanzai, is a significant aspect of its economy. The Mayor's Office manages civic affairs, law enforcement, and other administrative functions that ensure the smooth operation of the town's economic activities.


Malachite, as a bustling trading town in Archangeli, features essential infrastructure to support its commercial activities and the needs of its residents. Here's an overview of the town's key infrastructure elements:   Market District:
At the heart of Malachite lies the Market District, the epicenter of the town's trade and commerce. This district is where the town's renowned market is located, offering a wide array of goods, both legal and illegal. It includes stalls, shops, and trading posts, making it a bustling and vibrant hub for merchants and shoppers.   Road Network:
Malachite's road network is well-developed, providing vital transportation links to nearby towns, the capital city of Amethyst, and other regions. These roads facilitate the movement of goods and people, ensuring efficient trade and transportation.   Residential Areas:
Malachite houses its residents in various residential areas, including neighborhoods and housing districts. These areas provide a place to live for the town's inhabitants, including merchants, traders, and other community members.   Mayor's Office:
The town's administration and governance are managed from the Mayor's Office, led by Mayor Amelia Hanzai. This office oversees the day-to-day operations of the town, addressing civic matters, law enforcement, and ensuring the balance between the legitimate market and the black market.   Security and Law Enforcement:
Malachite likely maintains a local guard force to ensure the safety and security of its residents and visitors. Law enforcement is vital to maintain order in a town known for its extensive trade activities and the presence of a black market.   Warehouses and Storage Facilities:
To accommodate the vast quantities of goods passing through the town, Malachite has warehouses and storage facilities. These are essential for temporary storage and inventory management.


Malachite's eleven districts each offer a unique character and contribute to the town's overall charm. Here's a closer look at these districts and their individual characteristics:

Market Square

The central hub of commerce in Malachite, Market Square is home to the town's renowned market. It's a bustling district where traders from far and wide gather to sell a diverse range of goods, both legal and illicit. Located at the town's center, Market Square is surrounded by several other districts, making it easily accessible to residents and visitors. Residents of Market Square start their day early, setting up stalls or browsing the market for fresh produce, spices, textiles, and other goods. The atmosphere is vibrant, with merchants haggling over prices and customers bustling about. The people of Market Square are savvy traders and entrepreneurs, proud of their bustling market. They are friendly and outgoing, always ready to strike a deal or share a tale of their latest trade.

Riverfront District

This district stretches along the Dragon's River, accommodating warehouses, shipping facilities, and businesses related to river transport. It plays a vital role in the town's trading activities. Situated adjacent to Market Square, the Riverfront District is found along the river's edge, providing direct access to shipping and trade. Workers in the Riverfront District are busy loading and unloading cargo from ships, ensuring goods flow smoothly in and out of Malachite. The sound of ship bells and the sight of crates being hoisted are constants here. Residents of the Riverfront District are hardworking and pragmatic, accustomed to the ebb and flow of trade. They take pride in their role in keeping the town's commerce thriving.

Riverside Promenade

A scenic district along the riverbanks, Riverside Promenade features pathways, parks, and outdoor seating areas where residents and visitors can enjoy picturesque views of the river. Positioned along the riverbanks, Riverside Promenade is in close proximity to the Riverfront District, offering scenic views of the river. Residents of Riverside Promenade enjoy leisurely strolls along the riverbanks, picnics in the parks, or simply sitting on benches, watching the river flow by. Artists may be found capturing the scenic views on canvas. The people of Riverside Promenade are laid-back and appreciative of nature's beauty. They value tranquility and take pleasure in the simple joys of life by the river.

Craftsman’s Corner

This district is known for small-scale manufacturing and craftwork. Artisans and craftsmen create a variety of handmade goods, including jewelry, textiles, and specialty items. Found to the northeast of Market Square, Craftsman's Corner is known for its artisans and craftworkers, easily reached from the town center. Artisans in Craftsman's Corner can be seen honing their craft in workshops, creating intricate jewelry, textiles, pottery, and other handmade goods. The district buzzes with creativity and skill. Residents of Craftsman's Corner are passionate about their crafts, taking pride in their artisanal skills. They appreciate quality craftsmanship and value the unique, handmade products they create and sell.

Tarven Quarter

A lively area filled with pubs, inns, and restaurants, the Tavern Quarter caters to locals and visitors looking for food, drink, and entertainment. It's a popular destination for socializing. Located to the southwest of Market Square, the Tavern Quarter is a social and entertainment district that's just a short walk away. The Tavern Quarter comes alive in the evenings, with locals and visitors gathering in pubs, sharing stories over hearty meals and drinks, and enjoying live music or performances. The people of the Tavern Quarter are sociable and jovial, always ready for a good time. They have a strong sense of community and hospitality, welcoming strangers with open arms.

Merchant’s Row

A district where a variety of shops, boutiques, and storefronts are concentrated. Merchants offer a wide range of products, including clothing, art, and specialty items. Situated to the southeast of Market Square, Merchant's Row is another commercial area, offering a wide range of products and services. Shop owners and vendors in Merchant's Row greet customers with warm smiles, showcasing their wares and engaging in friendly banter. The district is a hive of activity, with shoppers browsing the latest offerings. Residents of Merchant's Row are enterprising and customer-oriented, committed to providing quality products and excellent service. They take pride in their businesses and strive to meet the diverse needs of their clientele.

Black Market Alley

While discreet and hidden from plain sight, Black Market Alley is where some of the town's clandestine dealings take place. This district operates under the radar, offering illegal goods and services. Hidden from the main thoroughfares, Black Market Alley is discreetly nestled within the town's center, away from prying eyes.

Artisan’s Enclave

A district dedicated to promoting the arts, Artisan's Enclave features galleries, studios, and spaces for local artists and performers to showcase their talents. Positioned to the south of the Market Square, Artisan's Enclave is where artists and craftsmen congregate to display their works. Artists and performers in Artisan's Enclave showcase their talents in galleries, studios, and street performances. Residents and visitors alike appreciate the creative energy that permeates the district. Residents of Artisan's Enclave are creative and expressive, embracing artistic expression as an integral part of life. They value freedom of expression and diversity in artistic pursuits.

Waterside Residences

Waterside Residences is a residential district along the riverbanks. It's home to many of the town's residents, providing picturesque views and a tranquil living environment. Located to the south along the riverbanks, Waterside Residences provide picturesque views and tranquil living spaces. Residents of Waterside Residences wake up to stunning views of the river, enjoying peaceful mornings and tranquil evenings in their homes. Some may engage in fishing or boating activities for leisure. The people of Waterside Residences are content and appreciative of their serene surroundings. They cherish the sense of community along the riverbanks and take pride in their waterfront homes.

Warehouse District

An industrial district featuring large warehouses and storage facilities, the Warehouse District supports the town's trading activities by providing storage space for goods in transit. Found to the northwest, the Warehouse District is dedicated to storage and supports the logistics of the town's trade. Workers in the Warehouse District are busy managing inventory, organizing shipments, and ensuring the smooth flow of goods in and out of the town. The district operates like a well-oiled machine, with efficiency as its hallmark. Residents of the Warehouse District are industrious and pragmatic, focused on the practicalities of logistics and trade. They value order and reliability, understanding the importance of their role in supporting the town's economy.

Civic Center

This district is home to important civic and administrative buildings, including the Mayor's Office. It serves as the town's governing center, managing local governance, law enforcement, and public services. Positioned to the west, the Civic Center houses vital civic and administrative buildings, serving as the town's governing hub. Government officials and bureaucrats in the Civic Center are busy attending to administrative duties, overseeing public services, and addressing the needs of the community. Meetings, hearings, and civic events are common occurrences. The people of the Civic Center are civic-minded and duty-bound, dedicated to serving the town and upholding the principles of governance. They take their responsibilities seriously and strive to ensure the smooth functioning of local government.


Malachite, as a vibrant and bustling town in Archangeli, possesses several notable assets that contribute to its unique character and economic vitality. These assets include:   Trade Hub:
Malachite serves as a critical trading center, both for legal and illegal goods. Its extensive market and black market attract merchants from various regions, making it a significant economic asset in the kingdom.   River Access:
Situated along the banks of the Dragon's River, Malachite has prime access to water transport, enabling the efficient movement of goods and commodities.   Cultural Heritage:
Malachite's cultural heritage is an asset in itself. The town's complex character, influenced by the presence of criminal organizations, has created a unique and vibrant local culture that appeals to tourists and researchers alike.   Artistic Community:
The presence of the Artisan's Enclave and artistic expression in the town makes it an asset for artistic and creative endeavors. Local artists, galleries, and studios contribute to the town's cultural wealth.   Tourism Appeal:
Despite its notoriety, Malachite attracts tourists who are intrigued by the town's complex reputation, its vibrant market, and its unique cultural identity. This tourism is an asset for the local economy.   Culinary Scene:
Malachite's diverse culinary scene, featuring a wide range of eateries and taverns, is an asset that delights visitors and locals alike.   Black Market Resources:
While unconventional, the presence of the black market operated by the Crystallis is an asset for those seeking rare and unconventional items.   Waterfront Views:
The picturesque Waterside Residences provide an asset for residents and tourists seeking a tranquil and beautiful place to live or stay.   Festivals and Events:
The town's festivals and events are an asset that brings the community together and attracts visitors, adding to the cultural richness of Malachite.


Malachite, despite its reputation for being a bustling trade hub and home to various criminal organizations, also caters to tourists seeking unique experiences and adventure. Here's a closer look at tourism in Malachite:   Market Exploration:
Malachite's renowned market is a major attraction for tourists. Visitors can explore a diverse range of goods from across the kingdom, and even beyond. They can find exotic spices, magical artifacts, and rare treasures among the market's stalls.   Riverfront Activities:
The riverfront district along the Dragon's River provides opportunities for leisurely activities. Tourists can take scenic boat rides, go fishing, or simply relax by the riverbanks.   Culinary Delights:
Malachite is known for its vibrant culinary scene, with numerous eateries, taverns, and restaurants offering a variety of dishes. Tourists can savor local specialties, fresh seafood, and international cuisine.   Artistic Exploration:
The Artisan's Enclave is a hub for artistic expression, featuring galleries, studios, and theaters. Tourists can attend art exhibitions, watch live performances, and perhaps purchase unique artworks.   Hidden Gems:
Adventurous tourists might venture into Black Market Alley to discover rare and unusual items. While this area operates in secrecy, it can be a treasure trove of intriguing finds for those who dare to explore.   Waterfront Views:
The Waterside Residences district provides tourists with charming riverside views. Accommodations in this area offer a peaceful and picturesque backdrop for relaxation.   Local Festivals:
Malachite hosts various festivals and events throughout the year, celebrating its unique culture, trade, and maritime history. Tourists can join in the festivities, enjoying music, dance, and food.   Cultural Exchange:
Despite its association with criminal organizations, Malachite has a unique culture that tourists may find fascinating. Its residents are known for their resilience and resourcefulness, and engaging with the locals can provide valuable insights into their way of life.   Adventure Tourism:
For the more adventurous traveler, the town's connections with the Pirates of Voleur and the Kyūketsu Kōmori may lead to unexpected and thrilling experiences, from exploring underground passageways to gaining insights into the criminal underworld.


Malachite's architecture is a captivating blend of medieval, Gothic, and Victorian influences, creating a unique and charming aesthetic. This architectural fusion gives the town a distinct character and a timeless ambiance that resonates with its historical and cultural significance. Here's a closer look at these architectural styles and their manifestations in Malachite:   Medieval Influences:
  • Structural Elements: Elements of medieval architecture are evident in Malachite's buildings. These include robust stone construction, sturdy arches, and imposing fortifications, reminiscent of medieval castles and keeps.
  • Masonry and Stonework: The use of stone and masonry is a prominent feature in the town's architecture. Buildings often feature rough-hewn stone facades, adding a sense of permanence and historic charm.
  Gothic Architectural Features:
  • Pointed Arches: The Gothic influence can be seen in the presence of pointed arches in windows and doorways. This architectural style, known for its vertical emphasis and ornate detailing, lends a sense of grandeur to some of the town's buildings.
  • Gargoyles and Decorative Details: Gothic architecture is known for its decorative elements, and Malachite's buildings may feature intricate carvings, gargoyles, and other embellishments that showcase the town's connection to this style.
  Victorian Accents:
  • Ornate Ironwork: Victorian architecture often incorporates ornate ironwork, seen in wrought-iron railings, balconies, and decorative fencing around homes and public spaces.
  • Wooden Detailing: The use of wood for decorative trim and intricate detailing is another characteristic of Victorian architecture. Malachite's buildings may showcase wooden elements that add warmth and elegance to their design.
  Riverfront Architecture:
Buildings along the riverfront may have specific architectural features designed to maximize their functionality in supporting trade and river transport. Warehouses and riverside businesses may have large, open windows and loading docks for efficient storage and transport.   Civic and Cultural Buildings:
Malachite's town hall, cultural centers, and other civic buildings may showcase a mix of architectural styles, combining elements from the medieval, Gothic, and Victorian traditions to create distinctive landmarks within the town.

Members of The Town Council

  1. Mayor Amelia Hanzai
  2. Lord: Blade Kasai
  3. Lady: Blaze Kasai
  4. Treasurer: Jade Fall
  5. Matt Weather
  6. Reid Nova
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Mala, Black Market City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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