Church of Holy Light

The Church of Holy Light is a religious organization with one goal in mind -- take out the demonic invaders of Inerth at all costs. Inerth was once a free land, devoid of non-human sophonts, and a safe haven for humans from the evil influences of heretics and demons. Then, the invaders came. They called themselves the kerei, a people displaced from their homeworld in search of a new planet to live on. Most of the humans on Inerth were afraid of the Kerei, seeing them as dangerous beings. Those following the path of God turned to their priests and the Pope for guidance in the trying times.   Now, in the 3000s EoND, the Church of Holy Light has changed its stance only slightly. They have become more lenient with arcane casters, allowing them to join their ranks to fight back against the non-humans.

Public Agenda

While they have a simple goal in mind, getting to it is not so simple. Some people claim that the church is building up an entire list of things to do to improve the state of the world. The first step involves sending in spies to gain the approval of the Kerei and convince them that the church is not a threat so that the Kerei lower their guard.


The Division of Holy Light Enforcement, or DoHE, is the acting military force behind keeping the non-humans at bay. They train night and day for the day they complete their mission and take out the leaders of the Federation Alliance. The DoHE claims that they are the only ones capable of killing a Kerei. With their use of advanced weaponry, they are given the chance to fight back. The Chosen Pope even gave the DoHE a chance to force human arcana casters to submit to the ways of God and fight back against the Kerei.


Noting that the church believes in God and follows the path of Catholicism, they follow the Ten Commandments given by Moses to keep them on the right path. The use of arcana is only accepted as a way to defeat the evil Kerei, with witches and warlocks being told that the devil will continue to whisper in their ears until they find peace with God, which the church believes can only be done once the Kerei are purged from Inerth.

Table of Contents

Founding Date
2140 EoND
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Church of God
Government System
Economic System
Official State Religion
Related Species

Articles under Church of Holy Light

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character flag image: by Amelia Nite (Armoria)


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