The Dawn Circle

The Dawn Circle is a charity that helps to take care of the sick, especially those who have been brainwashed by the kerei. They are associated with the Church of Holy Light and believe in keeping the light of God lit for everyone to see. With their determination and the meetings they hold within the churches scattered around the Renaize Domain, they bring in new donors each week, ensuring the Church of Holy Light and the Dawn Circle can make profits to keep running their services.


Community Leader Adiel Smucker runs the charity with his Board of Angels helping to create fundraisers, fun activities for the children, and local medical and educational centers, factories, and volunteer programs.

Public Agenda

The kerei have been a pain for the Dawn Circle for as long as they remember. Humanity has always needed help from the saving light of God, but the kerei corrupted them. They twisted and warped the perception of arcana and witchcraft. The Dawn Circle has chosen to be the light that humanity needs by offering medical services, passing out free food, and helping to rebuild cities, villages, and towns in need after the kerei corrupted them with talk of the "future" masking the true nature of the devil.

Trade & Transport

The Dawn Circle gets from place to place by horse and a metal cart, refusing to touch modern technology. They believe that the devil has warped the advancement of technology. When arriving in a city, town, or village that needs help, the Dawn Circle will set up a station and have their highest-ranking member call out to people to come and listen to the word of God in exchange for free clothes, food, medical supplies, etc.

Table of Contents

Religious, Holy Order
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character flag image: by Amelia Nite (Armoria)


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