Division of Holy Light Enforcement

The Division of Holy Light Enforcement is connected to the Church of Holy Light and acts as the military. It is run by Leon Norma, a former pastor turned General. Training of the youngest members begins at ten years old, where they are taught to kill the Kerei as a way to keep humanity safe.
I was raised for the military. Dad despised my arcane abilities, claiming I was a mistake. But I was useful as long as I fought for the church. Dad and the church are the reason I hate my powers and part of the reason I wear these mellow tear bracelets.
— Riley about his childhood


The military functions under the rule of the General and then the Commander, Lieutenant, Officer, and finally the Cadet.   There is a sect of warlocks and witches fighting to end their corruption, believing in the cause of the church.

Public Agenda

They constantly believe and preach that inhuman beings are a threat and should be eradicated. The main reason for the military clearing the inhumans off of Inerth and returning it to God's former plans.


Stakes and garlic are considered ineffective against vampires, whereas silver works wonders against werewolves. They carry a bible on them to recite verses when dealing with the undead, like vampires and infernals.

Technological Level

The military only uses modern technology when it convinces them. Fighting inhumans allows for them to grab whatever weapon they can to fight back, and to sometimes mix it with whatever weapon they were using prior, upgrading their weapon and causing more damage to the enemy.

Table of Contents

Military, Army
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Species
Former Members
Riley Warrick

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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