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The College of Imperial Arcana

The Imperial College

The College of Imperial Arcana, or Imperial College for short, is a bastion of knowledge and stands as Yrdde’s only formalized institution for magical education. Here, within its halls that hum with the pulse of Yrddestone and the whispers of ancient secrets, gifted youths from across the Empire are molded into powerful mages – tools to serve the throne, advance Imperial knowledge, and defend against the threats that loom in the shadows.   There are other ways to learn magic, of course, for those who lack the funds, the status, or the desire to study under the great Imperial mages. Individual mages and mystics living in Sanctum offer classes to those with magical affinity, and many Free State militia companies harbor failed or exiled students from the College itself. There is, however, no greater repository of magical knowledge left in the world. The First Emperor made sure of that, and every Emperor since has ensured it has stayed that way.  


The origins of the Imperial College dates back to the early days of the Empire, a time when magic was shrouded in superstition and those who could wield it were often feared or revered in equal measure. As he unified humanity the First Emperor slew countless cult leaders, bandit kings, and phony gods who used their affinity with magic to convince the layman they bore a spark of divinity. He knew that the flow of Aetherial energy within him was unique to him alone, and he would no longer suffer false gods or prophets.   Magic would have to be better understood, turned from a thing of fear and superstition into a science that could be predicted, tamed, and made a normal facet of life. He decreed the establishment of an institution dedicated to the study of magic, a place where gifted individuals could be trained, their abilities nurtured (and monitored), and their potential harnessed to strengthen the burgeoning Empire.   The College's early years were fraught with challenges. The nature of magic itself was still poorly understood, teachers were often self-taught mages with varying degrees of control, and, inevitably, accidents and explosions were common occurrences. But over time, as knowledge was accumulated and techniques refined, the Empire's understanding of the Aetherial Flow deepened.   By the time the First Emperor had ascended, his Imperial College had done as he had wished, and magic was now nothing more than another tool in the Empire's control.   Headmaster Archmagus Caelius Severian
Born a third son into a noble family of vintners of Vinecrest, Caelius Severian was destined for a life of political intrigue or military service, following the well-trodden paths laid out for those of his stature. However, a chance encounter with a traveling scholar during his childhood sparked a fascination with the world beyond titles and conquest.   He discovered a passion for knowledge, a hunger for understanding the secrets of the Aetherial Flow that pulsed through the very air of Yrdde. He rejected the expectations of his family, choosing instead to devote himself to the pursuit of arcane knowledge, eventually earning a coveted position as a student within the College of Imperial Arcana.   He excelled in his studies, quickly surpassing even his most gifted peers. His instructors, recognizing his potential, encouraged his insatiable thirst for knowledge, pushing him to master not only the intricacies of the four elements, but also the ancient art of runecarving and the deciphering of Old-World texts.   Caelius rose quickly through the ranks, becoming the youngest Archmagus in the College’s history. He saw firsthand the potential for both good and evil within the power of magic, witnessing the creation of both life-saving remedies and devastating weapons, and his mind, ever-calculating, recognized that true control lay not just in raw power but in the manipulation of the balance between magic, ambition, and the human heart.   When the previous headmaster passed away (or, as whispered rumors suggested, was “retired” by Emperor Thorne's Corsair agents shortly after he took power), Caelius was chosen as his successor.


The College is located on a man-made floating island located in the skies just off Aetheris. Travel to and from the island is carefully controlled, though many an enterprising student has found a way to sneak out into the city proper for a night of debauchery. Perpetrators are often hunted down by the Aetheris guard and made to pay hefty fines (a minor punishment, given the standard of nobility required for prospective pupils).   The College's outer walls are constructed from a black stone, their windows framed by metal lattices etched with glowing Yrddestone runes. It is said that the First Emperor himself carved these walls out of stone from Skypoint, and that they are impenetrable to both magical and standard attack.   Four towers sit on each corner of the campus – the Sapphire (Water), the Ruby (Fire), the Emerald (Earth), and the Opal (Wind) wings. These towers house classrooms, laboratories, practice rooms shielded from aetherial surges, and living quarters for the students assigned to their respective disciplines.   At the center of the College lies the Runefang Hall, a magnificent building with rooms descending deep into the island. Within its central chamber sits the Runefang, a massive, perfectly shaped Yrddestone – the heart of the island’s energy, radiating a pulsing glow that bathes the entire campus in subtle purple hues. It is said that the First Emperor dragged this stone down from Skypoint mountain with his bare hands, one of his many great tasks, and that he carved it himself. Aside from being the power source for the entire island, this structure also contains the great meeting halls of the various classes, as well as specimen containment rooms and cells for the less dedicated scholars.  


To gain admission to the College, prospective students must pass a series of rigorous tests that assess their innate magical ability and elemental affinity. Only those with demonstrable talent are considered. The process, however, is not always entirely voluntary – Imperial Arbiters, often acting upon rumors or accusations of uncontrolled magic, may forcefully bring individuals to the Academy, giving them the choice between life as a student or life as a test subject for Corsair researchers. Very few choose the latter.   Once accepted, students are given uniforms embroidered with the symbol of their assigned element. Obedience to instructors, adherence to schedules, and dedication to their studies are paramount. Breaches of these rules result in varied punishments, often physical trials designed to push them to their breaking points. Once a student has survived a year or two, these rules become far more lax, as they are expected to complete research projects on their own, or focus on mastering particularly difficult spells.  


An average student graduates after five years, though many remain at the school indefinitely, dedicating themselves to research and experimentation deep within the Hall. Each year of study involves different tasks and trials designed to weed out the less dedicated and help find those that remain the careers they will undertake once they've survived graduation. The first three years are dedicated to learning basic magical theory and harnessing the student's chosen affinity. From the fourth year on, students are tested and placed into trials testing both their knowledge and raw magical talents.  

Fourth Year

Fourth-year students are dispatched on expeditions into remote corners of the Empire – from excavating Old-World ruins alongside archaeologists, to assisting Alchemist Guild expeditions in gathering rare ingredients. These field exercises provide vital experience, offering a glimpse into the diverse ways magic is used in the wider world.  

Fifth Year

Those lucky (or unlucky) enough to survive to their fifth year undertake the Emperor's Forge. The forge is not simply a test of skill, but a crucible designed to hammer mages into instruments of Imperial power. It assesses their abilities in various contexts, gauges their creativity and resourcefulness in manipulating magic, and instills within them a true mastery of the Aetherial Flow.   They undergo three trials, and failure in any single one results in immediate expulsion. Many students refuse to undertake the Forge, instead choosing to remain indefinitely within the College grounds as researchers and assistants to the instructors.   The Trial of Strength is held on one of the many smaller islands that surround Aetheris. There, they are met by an instructor who is well versed in the element opposite them. Their task is simple: Survive for five minutes, or subdue the instructor. Fatalities are rare and most students pass by simply defending themselves until the time is up. A rare few go on the offensive, and an even rarer few succeed. Those that emerge victorious and not just survive are typically fast-tracked to the elite anti-mage units of the legion.   The Trial of Will is held deep within the Hall. Students are cast deep into the labyrinthine rooms within the island, and must demonstrate their mastery of runes by deciphering ancient scripts, deactivating complex trap sequences, and solving puzzles designed to assess their understanding of the finer points of magical theory and manipulation. This is a test not just of rote knowledge but of adaptability, logical thinking, and the ability to overcome any obstacle without support   The Trial of Unity can be the hardest by far, depending on the luck of the student in question. Groups of students are assigned a task carefully chosen to align with their skills, each designed to demonstrate their loyalty to the Empire. It might involve assisting an Arbiter with an investigation, or providing support to a military unit preparing for a campaign. The students are given freedom in choosing how to accomplish their tasks, testing their leadership, resourcefulness, and willingness to execute orders within the framework of Imperial authority. A prestigious task for the students, an often thankless job for the Arbiter agents or legion officers assigned to babysit them.  

Supplemental Information

Iron Guard infiltration
Despite the best efforts of Arbiter agents based in Aetheris, the Iron Guard has managed to infiltrate the College. Sympathetic instructors – veterans disillusioned by Imperial reforms, disgruntled scholars yearning for the “golden days” of the old Empire – were identified, tested, and slowly drawn into the Iron Guard's ranks. These infiltrators subtly manipulate course material, highlighting historical grievances, and cultivating resentment towards non-humans. Old-world relics have begun to go missing, and it is whispered that a group of students have established a cult dedicated to worshiping these artifacts.
"The College of Imperial Arcana... A name that drips with prestige, doesn’t it? All those imposing black towers, glittering runes, and that ridiculously huge Yrddestone throbbing with power— they’re not subtle, darling. The message is clear: "Magic belongs to the Empire, and we'll mold it into whatever shape we damn well please.”   Inside those obsidian walls, you've got impressionable young mages with stars in their eyes and fire in their fingertips. They think they’re learning, mastering their craft… but honey, they're being sculpted, chipped away at like a sculptor chipping at a block of marble, until only the Emperor’s vision remains. Maybe there's an intriguing story here, but you won't catch me digging into it. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but a well-placed fireball beats everything." - E Dawnstrider

Through Knowledge, We Serve

made in midjourney
Headmaster Archmagus Caelius Severian
Parent Organization

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