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Empress Eunisia Rosewood (Yoo-knee-see-uh)

Empress Eunisia Rosewood

Eunisia Rosewood is the matriarch of House Rosewood and is the current Empress of the Aurelian Empire. Although House Rosewood is one of the empire's Four Great Noble Houses she holds supreme authority within the Empire with the heads of the other three houses beneath her in rank.

Queen of Hearts

The Empress is well-liked within the Empire and she is especially beloved by the common-folk. Her rule is fair, moral, and her implementation of edicts lessening the financial and social burden on them have earned her their support and the loving moniker, "the Queen of Hearts". On the other hand, the nobility's opinion is more divided. Some are loyal to the crown despite their personal feelings, but other more traditional families are openly vocal about their distaste for her policies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eunisia was born sickly and suffers from periodic lapses in her health. Although her condition is not life threatening, these sick spells lay her low for days at a time, confining her to her quarters.

Special abilities

It is unknown whether Eunisia is proficient in the arcane or martial arts, but she has displayed interest in the Conjuration school of magic.

Mental characteristics


As a member of the most powerful family in the Empire, Eunisia received the highest level of education available in the Empire. Although quiet and withdrawn, she excelled at political science and economics and has put those skills to good use as Empress.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Young Empress

After her mother, the previous Empress passed away in a riding accident, Eunisia succeeded the throne at the young age of 16 in the absence of her elder sister Julianna. Many in the Empire were skeptical of her ability to properly rule the Empire but with the help of her small council, she quickly grew into the role and earned the respect of her skeptics.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eunisia possesses keen intelligence and an aptitude for politics.

Morality & Philosophy

Eunisia rules fairly, granting clemency to those who deserve it, and punishing those who have earned it. She is kindhearted and protective of her people. At the cost of angering the nobility, she made efforts to improve the lives of the common folk in the Empire, going so far as to suggest blurring the lines between noble and commoner. This proved to be the breaking point for the hardliner Scorpius Brutoris who rebelled against her and began the War of Four Suits

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Eunisia enjoys reading and taking tea in the castle gardens. She also enjoys walking the streets of Albion and travelling the Empire, though her constitution often prevents her from doing so.

Eunisia dislikes stubbornness, inflexibility, and when book pages are folded.


Family Ties

Both of Eunisia's parents passed away when she was young. Although she has many suitors, she remains unmarried and without any children. Her elder sister Julianna Rosewood is the only family she has left.

Religious Views

Eunisia is a devout worshipper of Pelor and the Golden Lady.

Social Aptitude

Eunisia is naturally quiet and softspoken, but over the years has gained the necessary social skills required to deliver speeches, and interact with individuals at all levels of society.

Wealth & Financial state

Although she doesn't flaunt it, as the Empress of the Aurelian Empire and matriarch of its most powerful family, Eunisia is the wealthiest person in the Empire, and arguably, in all of Seraphix.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Empress, Queen of Hearts
Current Residence
Castle Albion
Black, Short, usually in a bun
Known Languages
In addition to Common and High Seraphixian, Eunisia is fluent in Elvish.
Ruled Locations


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