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Julianna Rosewood

The Queen who Never Was, Lady Julianna Rosewood

Lady Julianna Rosewood is the elder sister of Empress Eunisia Rosewood, and was at one point the next in line to ascend the throne and become Empress. However, when she was in her twenties, she set out on a pilgrimage across Ormodinia and was absent when her mother perished in a riding accident. Although efforts were made to contact her and alert her of the dire situation in the Empire, no word was ever received and after several months of silence, she was presumed dead and succession fell to her younger sister.


Almost three decades after she disappeared on her pilgrimage, Julianna made a sudden and unannounced return to the Aurelian Empire. Visibly aged, exhausted, and worn, she was given immediate medical attention. Although she would physically recover, she had become quiet and withdrawn, and spent most of her time alone in her quarters. She offered no reason for her sudden disappearance and would not speak of what she'd experienced over the past thirty years. Though Eunisia offered to step down after she returned, she declined the offer, though she accepted a position on the Council of Roses. When she is not advising her sister, she spends almost all of her time in silent prayer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although she made a complete physical recovery, Julianna still wears the marks of her pilgrimage in the form of scars and a badly set broken leg. She often appears older than her 55 years and appears almost fragile to the touch.

Special abilities

Julianna was once an aspiring cleric of Waukeen, the Golden Lady and was capable of casting basic cleric spells before she departed for her pilgrimage. Though she no longer pursues that path, she still retains what abilities she once had.

Mental characteristics


As a member of the most powerful family in the Empire, Julianna received the highest level of education available in the Empire. She also displayed a great interest in religion and decided to pursue the path of a cleric,  spending much of her formative years studying holy texts at the cathedral of the Golden Lady.

Mental Trauma

The ordeals she experienced over he three decades she was away from the Empire for have noticeably changed Julianna. Before she left, she was energetic, extroverted, and outspoken. Following her return, she speaks only if absolutely necessary and prefers solitude. No one knows what happened to the would-be Empress.
Current Location
Current Residence
Castle Albion
Dark brown
Long, black, usually braided
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
In addition to Common and High Seraphixian, Julianna is fluent in Elvish and can read Celestial script.


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