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The Adder

Over 5000 miles long and nearly 5 miles wide at its widest point, the Adder is the largest river in the Aurelian Empire. It's headwater originates from the snowmelt of the Steorra Mountains in Clovergarde and continues to run south-west through Clovergarde and Diamondfeld forming a natural border until it empties into the Sea of Seraphix.


  • The Schlange River, Clovergarde
  • River Aire, Clovergarde
  • Steorra Basin, Clovergarde
  • River Eden, Heartland
  • The Glintshores, Diamondfeld
  • River Geld, Diamondfeld


The Adder serves as an inter-territory highway for fishermen and travelers who would rather not brave the road.
There are ports along the length of the river and the tributaries (both official and unofficial) where fishermen do business from shabby dinghys and nobles disembark from elegant galleons. These ports vary in size, population, and wealth depending on their proximity to the nearest city. Port Albion, located on the bank of the River Eden is the wealthiest port in the Empire.


Though it's main body provides a natural border between Diamondfeld and Clovergarde, at least one of it's many tributaries flows through each territory. The Adder is bountiful with fish and other aquatic vegetation valued by alchemists and herbalists. It is a source of livelihood for the residents of the many small towns and settlements along its banks who depend on it to survive.

Fauna & Flora

Though the Adder overflows with salmon, bass, and other freshwater fish, it's waters are not without their share of danger. Larger, carnivorous fish, caimans, and even monstrous water snakes are an ever-present danger to those who traverse the Adder.
Even more dangerous are the Basilisk Eels that call the inland waterways home. These voracious eels can grow up to 15 feet in length and are capable of excreting an oil that petrifies anyone who comes in contact with it. Many a somber tale has been told of curious fishermen investigating underwater "statue gardens" only to find themselves in the burrow of one of these man-eaters. Although highly dangerous, the petrifying oil they produce is a highly sought after magical reagent and any adventurers willing to risk their lives for a vial or two can expect to reap fair compensation.
Rarer, but far more dangerous than the Basilisk Eel are the Crocosphinxes that prowl the banks. What makes these arcane hunters so terrifying is their ability to explode from beneath the surface, or to silently swoop down on unsuspecting prey from above.


Any fisherman worth their salt knows to avoid Clovergarde's murky swamps and wetland marshes like the plague. Certain banks of the Schlange and Aire rivers are home to hostile tribes of Lizardfolk and Gatorfolk who viciously defend their territory from any unfortunate enough to stumble into them. They terrorize local populations and occasionally raid small towns for raw materials, tools, and victims for ritualistic feedings and sacrifice to their reptilian deities, Semuanya and Sess'innek. If that weren't already bad enough, the wetlands are rumored to be home to darker, more sinister creatures; products of arcane transmutations and experiments gone horribly awry, abandoned by their creators to roam the swamps.

Natural Resources

  • Gold and gold dust (the River Geld only)
  • A variety of different freshwater fish and vegetation


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