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Diamondfeld is the second-largest of the Empire's settled territories and is known throughout Seraphix for its diamond and gold mines. It is the wealthiest territory in the Empire and boasts the highest per capita income in the country. Along with their ore and jewelry exports, the families of Diamondfeld are also renowned for their discipline in the military sciences. After House Brutoris was all but annihilated by them during the War of Four Suits, House Bellgrave rose to take their place, with Jonah Bellgrave being granted the rank of Duke. The Bellgraves rule from their estate, Cair Diamant.

Other Notable Houses

Several of the Diamondfeld families were devastated by the war with some so economically crippled that they could no longer retain their positions in the nobility. Some of the Brutoris bannermen refused to submit to the new Brutoris rule. Others simply faded into obscurity after their lords were killed in battle. Among the surviving houses are:
  • House Brutoris
  • House Kruger
  • House Mayenberg
  • House Welf

Other Notable Locations

  • Castle Valkmer
  • Glintshore Mine
  • Gold Springs Quarry
  • River Geld
  • The Adder
  • The Glintshores
Lower Tiered Dwarven Mining Area above Kall Barosh Thaig.


Though it rivals the Heartland in size, Diamondfeld's sprawling moors are largely unpopulated. The terrain consists mainly of open plains dotted with the occasional forest, but there are also mountainous regions where the ore mines are located.
The Adder acts as Diamondfeld's east border with Clovergarde and two of its tributaries, the Glintshores and the River Geld are said to carry diamond and gold dust in their currents for lucky panners to recover. The Southern Outlands separate Diamondfeld from the Sea of Seraphix.


The War of Four Suits

At the time, Diamondfeld was governed by Duke Scorpius Brutoris, the perpetrator of the rebellion and served as the battleground for many of the war's battles. The Brutoris bannermen and their d'Honaire allies pushed north towards Albion while the crown's forces attempted to repel them, only managing to do so once Ser Melchor Fritz and High Clerist Selena Wisel confronted them and forced them back into Diamondfeld where the rebellion would eventually fall.


The Drowning of Castle Valkmer

Following Jonah Bellgrave's betrayal, Duke Brutoris and the troops that had accompanied him barricaded themselves behind the walls of his home, Castle Valkmer. After unsuccessful attempts to elicit a surrender from the Duke, Jonah diverted part of the Adder into the Castle's drainage systems, flooding several of its lower floors and destroying the supply stores. This devastating blow drove Duke Brutoris further into a corner he would never manage to escape from. Most of the men with him succumbed to starvation and disease, and the few dozen who survived were in no shape to offer any resistance when the castle gates were finally breached.  
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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