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Clovergarde is the second-smallest territory in the Aurelian Empire and is a well-known center of arcane study in not only the Empire, but throughout all of Seraphix. The neighboring Steorra Mountains past their Eastern border hide the reclusive Astromancers and Sternritters of Weltraumgard fortress.
Additionally, Clovergarde's wetlands and marshes produce sugarcane, reeds, leather goods, and a variety of potent medicinal herbs and tonics. Dour and gloomy, Clovergarde is no tourist destination, but this is of little concern to Duchess Vesper d'Honaire who oversees the goings-on in Clovergarde from the d'Honaire estate, Palast Arkan.

Other Notable Houses

Like Diamondfeld, many of Clovergarde's noble families were devastated by the war and only managed to hold on by a thread. Unlike Diamondfeld, however, House d'honaire retained its status as one of the Four Great Noble Houses. Among the surviving houses are:
  • House Aerith
  • House Dragma
  • House Esposito
  • House Loraine
  • House de la Mare


Other Notable Locations

  • Akademie der Hexer
  • Darkscale Delta
  • River Aire
  • Soundless Quag
  • Steorra Basin
  • Mallow Marsh
  • The Adder
  • The Mire Abyss
  • The Schlange River
  • The Steorra Mountains
  • The Tree of Tomorrows


Clovergarde is the south-easternmost territory within the Empire, bordered to the east by the Steorra Mountains where the Adder's headwater begins, and the Eastern Outlands. The Schlange and Aire Rivers also flow down the Steorra's from opposite side before they too drain into the Adder. 
There are only a few consecutive miles of (relatively) dry land at any time in Clovergarde. The rest of the territory is made up of wetlands, dark marshes, and treacherous stretches of mire. This perpetual wetness is only made worse by Seraphix's preexisting proclivity to rain.

Fauna & Flora

Any fisherman worth their salt knows to avoid Clovergarde's murky swamps and wetland marshes like the plague. Certain banks of the Schlange and Aire rivers are home to hostile tribes of Lizardfolk and Gatorfolk who viciously defend their territory from any unfortunate enough to stumble into them. They terrorize local populations and occasionally raid small towns for raw materials, tools, and victims for ritualistic feedings and sacrifice to their reptilian deities, Semuanya and Sess'innek. Moreover, the wetlands are rumored to be home to darker, more sinister creatures; products of arcane transmutations and experiments gone horribly awry, abandoned by their creators to roam the swamps.


The War of Four Suits

During the war, House d'Honaire was House Brutoris' greatest ally, and provided all manner of arcane support to the rebellion. Though their troops managed to push into the Heartland, they were ultimately beaten back and held at bay by the Dawn Knight, Ser Melchor Fritz and his own forces.
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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