
Caygrove is a large township on the Isle of Falincolm, with a population of approximately 7,300 people. The township is located inland but has sea access through a deep river that changes from freshwater to seawater at the mouth, providing for small ship building, trade, a black market, and fishing.   One of the unique features of Caygrove is its willingness to welcome pirates at its port. This has made it a popular destination for those seeking to trade in illegal goods or simply looking to conduct business outside the boundaries of the law. As a result, the township has become a hub for the black market, with the Two Hand Cartel being one of the prominent criminal organizations operating in the area.   Apart from its thriving black market, Caygrove is also known for its fishing industry and ship building capabilities. The township's location on the river provides easy access to the sea, making it an ideal location for fishing vessels to dock and unload their catches. The ship building industry is also a significant contributor to the local economy, with the town's skilled craftsmen able to produce high-quality vessels suitable for a range of purposes.   In addition to its economic activities, Caygrove is also responsible for maintaining Dragon Mast tower located between it and Dragonstone to the southwest. This tower serves as a lookout point to spot potential threats coming from the southwest, and its maintenance is critical to ensuring the safety of the township.   Overall, Caygrove is a bustling and prosperous township that owes its success to its unique location and willingness to embrace the illegal activities that take place within its borders. While this has made it a target for law enforcement, the town's residents are fiercely protective of their way of life and will stop at nothing to preserve it.
Large town
Location under