
Desolace is a barren, arid region located in central Kalimdor, south of Stonetalon Mountains and north of Feralas. It was once a verdant forest but was destroyed by the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. The region is characterized by a desolate landscape of jagged rocks, withered trees, and harsh, dry winds. Despite its bleak appearance, the area is home to a diverse array of creatures, including centaurs, ogres, satyrs, and naga.   Desolace is also a place of great historical significance, with ruins of ancient night elven cities scattered throughout the region. These ruins are a testament to the area's rich cultural heritage, and adventurers often come to Desolace to explore their hidden secrets.   In recent times, Desolace has become a haven for pirates and other outlaws, with many of them operating out of Investor's Isle, an island off the coast that is home to the Investors Bank and the Yellow Keel Pirates. The region has also been subject to incursions by the Burning Legion and other dark forces, making it a dangerous place for the unwary traveler.
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