
Feralas is a lush, tropical region located in the western part of Kalimdor, in the world of Azeroth. The area is known for its dense rainforests, towering trees, and stunning waterfalls, as well as its diverse wildlife, including hippogryphs, faerie dragons, and many other exotic creatures.   The land is also home to various ruins and ancient structures, including the vast ruins of the night elf city of Eldre'thalas, which was abandoned during the War of the Shifting Sands. These ruins are now inhabited by dangerous creatures, such as the ogres and satyrs who have claimed the area as their own.   Despite its natural beauty and rich history, Feralas is also known for its dangers, as it is a frequent target of marauding pirate crews and other hostile forces. Nonetheless, many adventurers and explorers continue to brave the dangers of Feralas in search of its hidden treasures and ancient mysteries.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under
Included Organizations