Brewery Troubles

Quest Giver: 

Master Brewer at Santon Brewery  

Quest Start:

The players encounter the Master Brewer at Santon Brewery, where he explains the situation and pleads for their assistance. He offers a substantial reward for identifying and stopping the saboteurs.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Gather Information:

Location: Santon Brewery.
Task: Speak with the Master Brewer and brewery staff to gather details about the sabotages.
Clues: The players learn about the recent incidents, such as contaminated ingredients, broken equipment, and unusual behavior around the brewery. The Master Brewer also mentions possible suspects.  

2. Investigate the Brewery:

Location: Various areas within Santon Brewery.
Task: Examine the site of the sabotages for clues and potential leads.
Details: Players inspect the damaged equipment, investigate storage areas, and look for signs of tampering.
Suspicious Activity: The players might notice someone lurking around or trying to access restricted areas.
Clues: Footprints, fingerprints, or discarded tools that point towards the saboteurs.  

3. Interrogate Suspects:

Location: Around Fort Bromleck.
Task: Question potential suspects, including rival brewers, former employees, and anyone with a motive.
Details: The players must use their skills in persuasion, intimidation, or diplomacy to extract information.
Reluctant Suspects: Some suspects might be uncooperative or try to mislead the players.
False Leads: The players might have to sift through conflicting stories to find the truth.  

4. Uncover the Plot:

Location: Hidden locations in and around Fort Bromleck.
Task: Follow the leads to uncover the saboteurs' base of operations and their plans.
Details: The players discover a hidden cache of sabotage tools and evidence linking the saboteurs to the crimes.
Hidden Base: The saboteurs might have a secret hideout where they store their tools and plan their attacks.
Confrontation: The players confront the saboteurs, leading to a potential battle or negotiation.  

5. Stop the Sabotage:

Location: Santon Brewery.
Task: Prevent a final, large-scale sabotage planned by the saboteurs.
Details: The players must thwart the saboteurs' attempt to ruin an entire batch of ale or cause significant damage to the brewery.
Final Confrontation: The players face off against the saboteurs in a climactic battle or intense negotiation.
Defusing Traps: The players might need to disarm traps or undo sabotage in progress.




Santon Brewery is renowned for producing some of the finest ales and spirits in Fort Bromleck. Recently, the brewery has been plagued by a series of sabotages, resulting in ruined batches and damaged equipment. The Master Brewer is desperate to put an end to these disruptions before they tarnish the brewery's reputation. He suspects a rival brewery or disgruntled former employee might be behind the attacks. The players are hired to investigate and stop the saboteurs.


Upon successfully stopping the sabotage, the Master Brewer rewards the players with gold, a supply of fine ale, and a special brew that grants temporary bonuses in combat or skill checks. The players earn the gratitude of the brewery and improve their reputation in Fort Bromleck.  


Reputation Boost: The players earn the respect and gratitude of the brewery and its patrons.
Special Brew: A unique ale that provides temporary bonuses, such as enhanced strength or charisma.
Ongoing Patronage: The players might receive discounts or special treatment at Santon Brewery and affiliated establishments.
Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.
Plot type
Side Quest
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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