The Beast of Bromleck



Rumors swirl among the travelers passing through Fort Bromleck of a fearsome creature that stalks the island's wilderness, preying upon unsuspecting travelers and livestock alike. As fear spreads and panic grips the local populace, the party is hired by the fort's commander to track down the beast and put an end to its reign of terror before it strikes again.

Rising Action

The party sets out into the rugged wilderness surrounding Fort Bromleck, following the trail of destruction left in the wake of the creature's rampage. Along the way, they encounter frightened villagers, traumatized survivors, and desperate pleas for help, painting a grim picture of the terror that lurks in the shadows. Armed with little more than their wits and their weapons, the adventurers must track the beast to its lair and confront it before it claims another victim.


As the party closes in on the creature's lair, they are confronted by a series of increasingly dangerous obstacles, from treacherous terrain and hostile wildlife to cunning traps and hidden dangers. Finally, they come face to face with the beast itself, a terrifying monstrosity that towers over them with razor-sharp claws and glowing red eyes. In a desperate battle for survival, the adventurers must use all of their skills and abilities to outwit and outmaneuver the creature, striking at its weak points and exploiting its vulnerabilities to gain the upper hand.

Falling Action

With the beast defeated and the threat to Fort Bromleck neutralized, the party sets about unraveling the mystery of its origins and motives. Through careful investigation and diligent research, they discover that the creature was once a human who had been transformed by dark magic into a monstrous abomination. Delving deeper into the creature's past, they uncover a tragic tale of betrayal, revenge, and redemption, shedding light on the events that led to its transformation and the true nature of the threat that loomed over the island.


As the sun sets on Fort Bromleck, the town's folk gather to thank the adventurers for their bravery and courage in the face of danger. With the beast defeated and peace restored to the island, life returns to normal once more, and the people of Fort Bromleck can rest easy knowing that they are safe from harm. Yet, as they bid farewell to the adventurers and return to their daily lives, they cannot help but wonder what other dangers lurk in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered and vanquished by heroes brave enough to face them.  


Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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