Bandit Hideout

Quest Giver:

Alxendar Grieve, Captain of the Guard for Fort Bromleck  

Quest Start:

The players are approached by the Captain of the Guard at the Citadel. He explains the situation, provides details on recent bandit activities, and offers a reward for dealing with the bandits. He hands them a rough map indicating the general area where the bandits are believed to be hiding.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Gather Information:

Location: Fort Bromleck.
Task: Speak with locals, travelers, and guards to gather intelligence on bandit activities and possible hideout locations.
Clues: The players learn about recent attacks, the number of bandits, and potential hideout locations. They may also uncover rumors of a traitor within the fort providing the bandits with information.  

2. Scout the Area:

Location: The mountainous region around Fort Bromleck.
Task: Search for signs of the bandits’ presence, such as tracks, campsites, or lookouts.
Details: The players must navigate the harsh terrain, avoid natural hazards, and deal with hostile wildlife.
Environmental Hazards: Snowstorms, avalanches, and treacherous paths.
Creatures: Wolves, yetis, or other mountain-dwelling creatures.  

3. Infiltrate the Hideout:

Location: The bandit hideout, hidden in a remote cave or abandoned mine.
Task: Sneak into the hideout, avoid detection, and gather information on the bandits’ numbers and defenses.
Details: The players can choose between a stealthy approach or a direct assault.
Patrols: Bandit scouts or guards patrolling the area.
Traps: Simple alarms or traps set to warn the bandits of intruders.  

4. Confront the Bandit Leader:

Location: The heart of the hideout, where the bandit leader resides.
Task: Defeat the bandit leader and his lieutenant, breaking the bandit organization.
Details: The players face a challenging battle against the bandit leader and his elite guard.
Bandit Leader: A tough opponent with unique abilities or equipment.
Bandit Lieutenant: Skilled bandit who provides significant support to their leader.  

5. Secure the Hideout:

Location: The entire bandit hideout.
Task: Clear out remaining bandits, secure any valuable resources, and rescue any captives.
Details: The players must ensure the hideout is completely neutralized and cannot be easily reoccupied.
Remaining Bandits: Stragglers or hidden bandits attempting to escape or mount a last stand.
Captives: Hostages or prisoners who need rescuing.




The isolated and frigid environment around Fort Bromleck has attracted a notorious band of bandits who have established a hidden base in the mountains. These bandits have been terrorizing travelers, raiding supply caravans, and even attacking small settlements. The Captain of the Guard seeks a group of capable adventurers to locate and eliminate the bandit threat, ensuring the safety of the region.


Upon returning to Fort Bromleck, the players report their success to the Captain of the Guard. They receive their reward, which includes gold, weapons, and possibly a commendation from the fort’s leadership. The fort and surrounding area enjoy a period of increased safety and stability.  


Reputation Boost: The players earn the respect and gratitude of Fort Bromleck’s inhabitants.
Valuable Loot: Gold, weapons, and possibly unique items found in the hideout.
Commendation: Recognition from the fort’s leadership, leading to potential future quests and favors.
Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.



Bandit Disciple (Creature -1) x10 (Minus any who died in the attack on the caravan in Journey to Fort Bromleck)
Bandit Scout (Creature 0) x2
Bandit Lieutenant (Creature 2) x1
Bandit Leader (Creature 3) x1
Plot type
Side Quest
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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