The Lost Artifact

Quest Giver: 

Renaldo from Renaldo’s Runes  

Quest Start:

The players are approached by Renaldo at his shop, Renaldo’s Runes. He explains the significance of the artifact and offers a substantial reward for its retrieval. He provides the players with a map and some basic information about the tunnels.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Gather Information:

Location: Renaldo’s Runes.
Task: Speak with Renaldo to gather detailed information about the artifact and the tunnels.
Clues: Renaldo shares what he has learned from the ancient texts, including descriptions of the artifact, potential hazards in the tunnels, and possible locations where the artifact might be found.  

2. Prepare for the Expedition:

Location: Various shops in Fort Bromleck.
Task: Gather supplies and equipment for the journey into the tunnels.
Details: Players might need to purchase torches, climbing gear, healing potions, and other necessities. Renaldo offers a few enchanted items to aid in the quest, such as a lantern with everlasting light and a charm that wards off minor curses.  

3. Journey into the Tunnels:

Location: The entrance to the ancient tunnels beneath Fort Bromleck.
Challenges: The players must navigate through dark, winding passages, avoid natural hazards, and deal with dangerous creatures that have made the tunnels their home.
Environmental Hazards: Cave-ins, underground rivers, and narrow passages that require careful navigation.
Creatures: Giant spiders, cave trolls, and other subterranean monsters that pose a threat to the players.  

4. Solve Ancient Puzzles:

Location: Deep within the tunnels, near the supposed resting place of the Emberstone Amulet.
Task: Solve ancient puzzles or traps designed to protect the artifact.
Details: The players encounter a series of magical or mechanical puzzles that require logic, teamwork, and skill to overcome. These might include rune sequences, pressure plates, or enchanted locks.
Puzzles: A room with shifting tiles that form a map, a riddle inscribed on a wall that reveals a safe path, and a sequence of levers that must be pulled in the correct order.  

5. Retrieve the Artifact:

Location: The chamber where the Emberstone Amulet is hidden.
Task: Obtain the artifact without triggering any final defenses or traps.
Details: The players find the artifact on a pedestal, surrounded by protective wards or traps. They must disarm or bypass these defenses to retrieve the amulet safely.
Defenses: Magical wards that must be dispelled, traps that require careful disarming, and possibly a guardian creature or golem.  

6. Return to Renaldo:

Location: Renaldo’s Runes.
Task: Safely return to Renaldo with the Emberstone Amulet.
Challenges: The journey back might be complicated by the tunnels collapsing or a final attack from desperate creatures.
Encounter: A rival treasure hunter or band of thieves attempting to steal the artifact from the players.




Renaldo, the skilled rune-carver and enchanter of Fort Bromleck, has recently come across ancient texts that mention a powerful artifact lost in the depths of the fort’s ancient tunnels. This artifact, known as the Emberstone Amulet, is said to contain immense magical power that could be harnessed to protect the fort from the dangers of the Bloom and the harsh environment. Renaldo is eager to find this artifact but lacks the necessary skills and courage to venture into the treacherous tunnels himself.


Upon successfully retrieving and returning the Emberstone Amulet, Renaldo rewards the players with gold, enchanted items, and possibly a favor for future assistance. The artifact’s power is harnessed to enhance Fort Bromleck’s defenses, earning the players the gratitude of the community and increasing their reputation.  


Reputation Boost: The players earn the respect and gratitude of Fort Bromleck’s inhabitants.
Enchanted Items: Unique magical items crafted by Renaldo as a reward.
Artifact Power: The players might gain temporary boons from the artifact’s power, such as enhanced abilities or protective spells.
Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.
Plot type
Side Quest
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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