
Broyoto was the proud capital of Vaskelholme, a beacon of Dwarven strength and culture. Its fall to the Bloom has been a devastating blow, yet it also serves as a rallying point for the Dwarves' unyielding spirit and determination to reclaim their lost glory. The city’s rich history, advanced industry, and cultural significance continue to inspire the people of Vaskelholme as they face the challenges of the Bloom.

Industry & Trade

Forges and Workshops: Broyoto was known for its advanced forges, where master blacksmiths crafted exceptional weapons and armor. Workshops produced intricate machinery and tools, contributing to the kingdom's technological prowess.
Mining Operations: The surrounding mountains were rich in minerals and precious metals, fueling the city’s economy and trade.  


Festivals and Celebrations: Broyoto hosted numerous festivals celebrating Dwarven heritage, such as the Festival of the Forge and the Gemstone Gala.
Guilds and Institutions: The city was home to influential guilds, including the Blacksmith’s Guild, the Artisan’s Guild, and the Mage’s Guild, each playing a vital role in the city’s life.


Broyoto was the capital city of the Dwarven kingdom of Vaskelholme, serving as the political, cultural, and economic hub. Renowned for its grand architecture and bustling activity, it symbolized the strength and resilience of the Dwarven people.

The Fall of Broyoto

Spread of the Bloom (50 AtB):
The Bloom reached the borders of Vaskelholme, and the kingdom began to feel the effects of the encroaching threat.   First Bloom Cases (142 AtB):
The initial cases of the Bloom infection were reported, causing concern but not yet widespread panic.   The Fall (157 AtB - 173 AtB):
Despite their efforts to contain the Bloom, the infection spread rapidly, overrunning the city and its defenses. The grand halls, market districts, and residential areas were consumed, and the populace was forced to flee or succumb to the Bloom.   Evacuation and Resistance
As the Bloom took hold, King Thrain Ironfist ordered a mass evacuation. The Dwarves of Broyoto fought valiantly to protect their home, but the relentless spread of the Bloom forced them to abandon the city.  

Current State

Bloom-Infested Ruin:
Broyoto is now a dangerous, Bloom-infested ruin. The once-grand halls are overgrown with aggressive plant life, and the market districts are eerily silent. The city is patrolled by Bloom-beasts and other horrors, making it perilous to enter.   Symbol of Resilience and Loss:
For the Dwarven people, Broyoto stands as a symbol of both their resilience and the heavy losses they have endured. The fall of the city has strengthened their resolve to fight the Bloom and reclaim their homeland.


Grand Halls:

The Hall of Kings: A vast chamber adorned with statues of past monarchs, where the king held court and important ceremonies took place. It was known for its high, vaulted ceilings and intricate stone carvings depicting the kingdom's history.
The Great Library: Contained vast records of Dwarven lore, history, and technological advancements. It featured towering bookshelves, ancient scrolls, and illuminated manuscripts.  

Market Districts:

The Iron Market: A bustling area where blacksmiths, craftsmen, and traders sold their goods. Known for its high-quality weapons, armor, and tools.
Gemstone Alley: Famous for its jewelers and gem traders. Here, precious stones mined from the surrounding mountains were cut, polished, and sold.  

Residential Areas:

Stonehearth Quarter: Home to the city's working-class citizens, with sturdy stone houses built for durability and warmth.
Noble District: Luxurious mansions belonging to the kingdom’s elite, featuring ornate designs and lavish decorations.  


Outer Walls: Massive stone walls reinforced with iron, designed to withstand sieges and attacks. Guard towers and ballistae were positioned at regular intervals.
Inner Keep: A secondary line of defense within the city, where the royal family and key officials could retreat in times of danger.
Approximately 50 000 (Before the Bloom)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions

Cover image: Broyoto Header by Appy Pie Design


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