
Vashkelholme, a dwarven kingdom located on the northern peninsula of Largitas, is renowned for its rugged terrain, harsh climate, and rich natural resources. The kingdom, including the mainland and the Isle of Bromleck, was a formidable bastion against the Bloom's spread. However, the most recent Blooming significantly impacted this once-stalwart region, altering its landscape and society.


Rugged Mountains and Deep Mines: Vashkelholme is characterized by its towering mountain ranges, craggy peaks, and deep underground mines. The dwarves of Vashkelholme have long been masters of mining and metallurgy, extracting precious metals and gems from the earth. The mountains also house extensive tunnel networks and fortresses, serving as both homes and strongholds.   The Isle of Bromleck: A smaller island under Vashkelholme's control, the Isle of Bromleck serves as a strategic location and a place of cultural significance. It is known for its unique flora, such as the Frostblossom herb, and serves as a connection point between the mainland and the City Ships that pass by it.


The region's climate is cold and harsh, with long winters and brief, cool summers. Snow covers the mountains for much of the year, and the landscape is dotted with icy rivers and frozen lakes. This frigid environment has shaped the hardy nature of Vashkelholme's inhabitants.

Impact of the Bloom

Subsumed Territories: The most recent Blooming has engulfed almost half of Vashkelholme's territory, including the capital city of Broyoto and several key towns, villages, and border forts. The spread of the Bloom has transformed once-stable landscapes into unpredictable and dangerous zones.   Altered Ecosystems: The Bloom has drastically changed the region's ecosystems. The corruption has led to the emergence of strange and often dangerous flora and fauna, some of which are highly aggressive or carry harmful spores. This transformation has made traditional farming and hunting challenging, forcing the dwarves to adapt their methods.   Ruined Cities and Forts: Many of the kingdom's cities and fortifications have been abandoned or fallen into ruin due to the encroaching Bloom. The once-bustling capital, Broyoto, is now a ghostly reminder of the kingdom's former glory, overrun by mutated creatures and toxic growths.   The Bloom Barrier: In response to the Bloom's advance, the dwarves of Vashkelholme have constructed a series of fortifications and magical barriers along the new border of their territory. These defenses are designed to halt the further spread of the Bloom and protect the remaining untainted lands.
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Articles under Vashkelholme

Cover image: Isle of Bromleck by Appy Pie Design


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