
Nestled on the northern coast of the isle of Bromleck, Northpoint is a modest hamlet transformed into a bustling port. It serves as a critical hub for trade and resupply for the City Ships that navigate the frigid waters surrounding Largitas. Despite its relatively recent establishment, Northpoint has become a vital link in the network of floating cities and scattered settlements that define life in this post-Bloom world.


Primarily Dwarves and Humans, with a few other common ancestries mixed in.


The Hamlet is overseen by the Mayor, a douty Dwarven woman by the name of Angrest Thistlebeard

Industry & Trade

Commerce: Northpoint thrives on trade. It imports food and essential supplies from the fertile regions of Largitas and exports crafted goods, resources from the island, and unique items collected from the northern seas.   Ship Services: The port offers various services for City Ships, including repairs, resupply, and rest for the crews. The local craftsmen, many of whom are skilled Dwarves, provide top-notch maintenance and repair services for the ships.


The port facilities in Northpoint are well-maintained and efficient, designed to handle the harsh conditions of the island. Sturdy docks, heated warehouses, and well-insulated buildings are a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of its inhabitants.

Points of interest

1. Aguan's Rock:

Description: A large, weather-worn stone standing proudly on the northern coast, named after Aguan, the god of the sea. This sacred site is used by the inhabitants of Northpoint to offer tributes and seek blessings for safe voyages and bountiful catches.
Significance: Local sailors and fishermen often visit Aguan's Rock before setting out to sea, leaving offerings such as coins, shells, or small crafted items. Festivals and rituals are held here, reinforcing the community's connection to the sea and their faith in Aguan's protection.  

2. The Fishery:

Description: A bustling hub of activity where freshly caught fish are processed and prepared for sale or trade. The fishery plays a crucial role in Northpoint's economy, supplying both the local population and passing City Ships with fresh seafood.
Significance: It's a common meeting place for fishermen and traders. The fishery is known for its high-quality products and is essential for the village’s sustenance and trade.  

3. Town Hall:

Description: The central building for Northpoint's administrative affairs, where the village council meets to discuss local issues and make decisions. It also serves as a venue for community events and gatherings.
Significance: Town Hall is the heart of Northpoint's governance, where important decisions are made and public announcements are delivered.  

4. Mayor's Manor:

Description: The residence of the village's mayor, a well-maintained and modest building that reflects the mayor's status. The manor is a symbol of leadership and authority in Northpoint.
Significance: Besides being the mayor's home, it occasionally hosts important guests and meetings related to the governance of Northpoint.  

5. The Frosty Mug Tavern:

Description: A popular gathering place for locals and travelers alike, offering hearty meals, strong drinks, and warm fires. The tavern is known for its lively atmosphere and the camaraderie of its patrons.
Significance: The Frosty Mug Tavern is the social hub of Northpoint, where news, stories, and rumors are shared over mugs of ale and plates of stew.  

6. The Warm Hearth Inn:

Description: A cozy inn providing lodging for travelers and traders passing through Northpoint. The inn is known for its comfortable rooms and welcoming hospitality.
Significance: The Warm Hearth Inn is a preferred stop for visitors, offering them a place to rest and recuperate before continuing their journeys.  

7. Marcille's Tailor:

Description: A small shop run by Marcille, a skilled tailor who provides the village with clothing and repairs. The shop is known for its high-quality fabrics and expertly crafted garments.
Significance: Marcille's Tailor is essential for outfitting the villagers, especially given the harsh climate of the region.  

8. Ciri's Bakery:

Description: A warm and inviting bakery known for its delicious bread, pastries, and sweets. Ciri, the baker, is famous for her recipes and the comforting aroma that fills the air around her shop.
Significance: Ciri's Bakery is a cherished establishment in Northpoint, providing comfort and nourishment to its residents and visitors.  

9. Fern's Butcher:

Description: A well-stocked butcher shop offering a variety of meats, from local game to livestock raised on nearby farms. Fern, the butcher, is known for her skill and the quality of her cuts.
Significance: Fern's Butcher is crucial for providing the village with fresh, high-quality meat, especially in a region where agriculture is challenging.  

10. Laurie's Wares:

Description: A general store stocked with a wide array of goods, from everyday necessities to rare items brought in by traders. Laurie, the shopkeeper, has a keen eye for valuable and useful merchandise.
Significance: Laurie's Wares is the go-to place for anything and everything, making it an indispensable part of Northpoint's daily life.  

11. Gerbert Farm:

Description: A modest farm on the outskirts of Northpoint, growing hardy crops and raising livestock that can withstand the cold climate. Gerbert, the farmer, is dedicated to providing fresh produce and dairy to the village.
Significance: Gerbert Farm is vital for the village's food supply, contributing to Northpoint's self-sufficiency.  

12. Bill's Smithy:

Description: A blacksmith shop run by Bill, a master blacksmith known for crafting and repairing tools, weapons, and other metal items. The forge is always burning, and the ring of hammer on anvil is a familiar sound in Northpoint.
Significance: Bill's Smithy is essential for maintaining the tools and equipment that keep Northpoint running smoothly, especially in its harsh environment.


The island covered in large hills and small mountains


Snowy and frigid.

Natural Resources

Wood from the sparse forests, stone from the nearby hills and mountains, fish from the ocean, hardy vegetables from the small farm.

Cover image: Isle of Bromleck by Appy Pie Design


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