City Ships

The City Ships of Largitas are monumental, floating fortresses designed to house entire populations in the aftermath of the Bloom. As the continent became increasingly dangerous due to the aggressive plant growth and the emergence of Bloom Beasts, these ships became havens of safety and civilization. Each City Ship is unique, reflecting the culture, needs, and resources of its inhabitants.Here’s an overview of some of the most prominent City Ships:  

1. The Iron Leviathan

Population: Orcs, Dwarves, and a mix of other Ancestries
Primary Focus: Military and craftsmanship
Description: The Iron Leviathan is a massive, armored vessel renowned for its strength and resilience. It serves as a bastion of defense against the Bloom and potential sea threats. The Orcs form the backbone of the ship's military, while the Dwarves are responsible for its intricate engineering and craftsmanship. The Iron Leviathan is equipped with formidable weaponry, including ballistae and cannons, and has a robust forge where weapons and armor are constantly produced.  

2. The Celestial Arcadia

Population: Humans, Gnomes, and other Ancestries
Primary Focus: Arcane research, technological innovation, and cultural preservation
Description: The Celestial Arcadia is a beacon of knowledge and magic. It houses numerous laboratories, libraries, and arcane sanctuaries. The ship's inhabitants are primarily scholars, mages, and researchers dedicated to understanding the Bloom and uncovering ancient technologies. The Celestial Arcadia is known for its sophisticated magical defenses and is often seen as the intellectual hub of the City Ships.  

3. The Verdant Refuge

Population: Halflings, Goblins, and other Ancestries
Primary Focus: Botanical research and experimentation
Description: The Verdant Refuge is a unique City Ship, designed as a floating greenhouse and research facility. Its decks are covered with diverse plant life, both native and exotic. The Halflings tend to these plants, while the Goblins conduct experiments to understand the Bloom's properties and seek possible cures or ways to harness its energy. The Verdant Refuge is a place of healing and innovation, often attracting those with a deep connection to nature.  

Design and Features of City Ships

City Ships are marvels of engineering, built with durability and self-sufficiency in mind. Each ship is designed to withstand the harsh oceanic environment and potential threats from the Bloom. Common features include:   Multiple Decks: City Ships have multiple decks, each serving different purposes, such as residential areas, marketplaces, military quarters, research labs, and more.   Defensive Systems: Equipped with a range of defensive systems, including thick armor plating, magical barriers, and various weaponry to protect against threats.   Sustainable Living: Many City Ships have developed ways to grow food onboard, using greenhouses or hydroponic systems. They also have systems for water purification and waste management.   Trade and Diplomacy: City Ships often engage in trade with each other and with land-based settlements. They have diplomats and traders who work to maintain relationships and secure resources.  

Cultural Impact

City Ships are not just floating cities; they represent the resilience and adaptability of the people of Largitas. They have become symbols of hope, innovation, and survival in a world drastically altered by the Bloom. Each ship fosters a unique culture, blending the traditions of its inhabitants with the necessities of life at sea.   The creation of the City Ships in Largitas brought about profound societal upheaval, reshaping the lives, cultures, and political structures of the people. As the Bloom spread across the continent, driving people from their homes and into the safety of these colossal vessels, the transition was anything but smooth. Here are some of the key aspects of the societal upheaval caused by the creation of the City Ships:  

1. Displacement and Migration

The emergence of the Bloom forced mass migrations, with entire populations abandoning their ancestral lands. The establishment of City Ships as safe havens led to significant displacement, causing a loss of homes, heritage, and traditional ways of life. People from various regions and backgrounds were thrown together in a confined space, leading to a melting pot of cultures but also tensions and conflicts.  

2. Collapse of Traditional Kingdoms

The rapid spread of the Bloom undermined the authority of traditional kingdoms and governments. Many ruling bodies struggled to cope with the crisis, leading to the collapse or weakening of established political entities. The creation of City Ships often meant that local governance structures were replaced or significantly altered, with new forms of leadership emerging to manage life aboard the ships.  

3. Socioeconomic Stratification

The transition to City Ship life exacerbated existing socioeconomic inequalities and created new ones. Resources on the ships were limited, leading to competition and, in some cases, hoarding by the wealthy or powerful. Access to vital resources like food, water, and medical care became contentious issues, often controlled by those in positions of power. This stratification led to increased social tension and, in some cases, unrest.  

4. Cultural Integration and Clash

The City Ships became melting pots of diverse cultures, traditions, and languages as people from different regions were brought together. While this led to cultural exchange and the blending of traditions, it also resulted in cultural clashes and the erosion of distinct cultural identities. Some groups struggled to maintain their traditions and customs in the new environment, while others adapted more readily to the new multicultural society.  

5. Shifts in Power Dynamics

The creation of the City Ships altered traditional power dynamics, with new leaders and influential figures emerging. Former rulers and nobles often found themselves stripped of their power, while new leaders—such as captains, council members, or influential guilds—rose to prominence. This shift in power dynamics created a new political landscape, with alliances and rivalries forming among the different City Ships and their leaders.  

6. Economic Changes and Trade Networks

The economies of Largitas had to rapidly adapt to the new reality. The City Ships developed their own internal economies and trade networks, both among themselves and with land-based settlements. The necessity of importing food, raw materials, and other goods led to the emergence of powerful merchant guilds and trade leaders. The focus on technological and magical innovation to survive the Bloom also spurred new industries and economic models.  

7. Psychological and Social Stress

The transition to life on the City Ships was psychologically challenging for many. The confined spaces, loss of homes, and the ever-present threat of the Bloom led to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Communities had to find ways to support their members, with some turning to religious or spiritual practices, while others sought solace in communal activities or the arts.  

8. Emergence of New Religions and Beliefs

The catastrophic impact of the Bloom and the resulting societal upheaval led to the emergence of new religious movements and beliefs. Some people saw the Bloom as a divine punishment or a test, leading to the formation of cults and new religious practices. Others turned to the traditional pantheon of gods, seeking guidance and protection in a time of crisis.  

9. Adaptation and Innovation

Despite the challenges, the people of Largitas displayed remarkable resilience and innovation. The need to survive and thrive on the City Ships led to advancements in technology, agriculture, medicine, and magic. Communities developed new systems of governance, social support, and cultural expression, demonstrating the adaptability of humanity in the face of adversity.  

10. Legacy and Memory

The upheaval caused by the creation of the City Ships left a lasting impact on the collective memory and identity of the people of Largitas. Stories of the old kingdoms, the exodus from the Bloom, and the trials of early life aboard the ships became part of a shared cultural heritage. This history shaped the values, priorities, and aspirations of the new society, influencing how they viewed the world and their place in it.   These vessels are also centers of governance and decision-making, each with its own leadership structure, laws, and customs. The leaders of the City Ships often collaborate to address common challenges, such as dealing with the Bloom or coordinating trade routes, making them crucial players in the ongoing saga of Largitas.

Power Generation

Elemental Cores:

At the heart of each Arcane Engine is an Elemental Core, a crystalline structure infused with elemental magic. These cores are rare and valuable, capable of storing and releasing vast amounts of energy. The type of elemental core used can vary, with some ships favoring water or wind cores for smoother and quieter travel, while others might use fire cores for bursts of speed. The cores are carefully monitored and maintained, as they are essential to the ship's operation.  

Mana Crystals and Leyline Tapping:

Mana crystals, naturally occurring or synthetically grown, are used as a secondary power source. These crystals can store magical energy and release it as needed. Some City Ships are also equipped with devices to tap into leylines—natural conduits of magical energy that flow through the world. By drawing on the power of these leylines, the ships can recharge their mana reserves or power certain systems directly.


Arcane Engines:

The primary source of propulsion for the City Ships is the Arcane Engine, a powerful magical device that harnesses elemental energy. These engines can tap into various elemental sources, such as wind, water, and even fire, to generate thrust. The Arcane Engines are equipped with massive propellers and rudders that can be adjusted to navigate the ships through the waters. Skilled arcanists and engineers maintain and operate these engines, ensuring their smooth function.  

Emergency Power and Propulsion:

In emergencies, the City Ships are equipped with backup power systems. These include additional mana crystal reserves, emergency generators, and secondary elemental cores. Some ships also have sails or other manual propulsion methods that can be used if the primary systems fail. The crews are trained to handle power outages and other crises, ensuring the safety and functionality of the ship.  

Manual and Auxiliary Propulsion:

In emergencies or when other systems fail, City Ships often have manual or auxiliary propulsion systems. This can include traditional rowing mechanisms, smaller backup engines, or even magical propulsion spells cast by onboard arcanists. These systems ensure that the ships can still move, even in dire situations.

Armor and defense

Arcane Shields:

Arcane Shields are a primary defensive measure, generated by magical wards and barriers that can be projected around the ship. These shields offer protection against physical attacks, magical assaults, and environmental hazards. The shields are often enhanced by powerful enchantments to deflect or absorb energy-based attacks and can be activated or reinforced as needed.  

Reinforced Hull:

The ship’s hull is constructed from reinforced materials that include magically treated metals and exotic, durable substances. The hull is designed to withstand both physical impacts and corrosive elements. In addition to its physical durability, the hull often has embedded runes or wards that provide additional protection against magical and elemental threats.  

Barrier Generators:

Barrier generators, such as the Bloomshield Generator, create localized protective fields around sensitive areas of the ship. These barriers can be adjusted to cover different sections of the ship as needed and are often used to safeguard against breaches or boarding attempts.  

Internal Security Measures:

Inside the ship, security measures include reinforced bulkheads, secure storage areas for sensitive materials, and internal magical wards to prevent unauthorized access or sabotage.  

Crew Training and Preparedness:

Finally, the ship's crew is trained extensively in defensive tactics and emergency procedures. This ensures that all personnel can respond quickly and effectively to any threats that arise, contributing to the overall safety and security of the City Ship.
Owning Organization
Current location

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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