Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care

The Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care (EMTC) department within the Medical Division of the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) is a specialized unit focused on providing urgent medical care and stabilizing patients in the field. This department is critical in responding to injuries and medical emergencies that occur during operations in the Bloom Zone and other hazardous environments.   In summary, the Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care department of BRASC is a vital component of the organization's efforts to protect and support its personnel and the broader community. Through their expertise and dedication, they provide essential medical services in some of the most challenging environments imaginable.


Structure and Organization

Medical Teams: The EMTC department is organized into mobile medical teams, each led by an experienced emergency physician or surgeon. These teams include paramedics, nurses, and medical technicians, all trained in trauma care and emergency medicine.   Rapid Response Units: Specialized units within EMTC are equipped for rapid deployment to any location where an emergency arises. These units carry essential medical supplies and equipment, and are trained to set up temporary medical facilities in the field.   Base Operations: In addition to field teams, the department operates base facilities equipped for emergency care, including trauma centers and specialized treatment units. These facilities are located on City Ships and in key outposts near the Bloom Zone.

Public Agenda

Mission and Responsibilities

Immediate Medical Response: The primary mission of the EMTC department is to deliver immediate medical care to injured or ill individuals. This includes stabilizing patients, managing trauma, and providing life-saving interventions.   Field Medicine: EMTC personnel are trained to operate in challenging and often dangerous environments. They must be capable of performing medical procedures with limited resources and under adverse conditions, such as in the middle of a Bloom Beast attack or in toxic Bloom-affected areas.   Triage and Evacuation: The department is responsible for triage, prioritizing patients based on the severity of their conditions. They also coordinate the evacuation of critical patients to safer areas or medical facilities for further treatment.   Medical Training and Preparedness: EMTC also focuses on training BRASC personnel in basic first aid and emergency response procedures. This ensures that all members of BRASC are prepared to handle medical emergencies, even when specialized personnel are not immediately available.  

Key Functions and Services

Trauma Care: EMTC specializes in handling a wide range of injuries, from minor wounds to severe trauma. They are equipped to perform surgeries, administer blood transfusions, and manage pain and infections.   Toxic Exposure Management: Given the dangers of the Bloom, EMTC personnel are trained to treat exposure to Bloom toxins and infections. This includes decontamination procedures and the use of antidotes or specialized treatments for Bloom-related illnesses.   Psychological Support: Recognizing the mental strain faced by those operating in the Bloom, EMTC also provides psychological first aid and support. This includes counseling for trauma and stress, both for patients and for BRASC personnel.   Medical Research and Innovation: The department collaborates with BRASC's Research Division to develop new medical techniques and treatments. This includes studying the effects of Bloom exposure on the body and researching advanced medical technologies.


Equipment and Resources

Medical Kits and Supplies: EMTC teams are equipped with advanced medical kits containing everything from basic first aid supplies to surgical instruments. These kits are designed for portability and efficiency in the field.   Mobile Medical Units: The department operates mobile medical units that can be deployed quickly. These units are equipped with essential medical equipment, such as ventilators, defibrillators, and portable diagnostic devices.   Protective Gear: To ensure the safety of their personnel, EMTC teams use specialized protective gear, including hazard suits and respiratory protection, particularly when dealing with toxic Bloom environments.   Communication and Coordination Tools: EMTC relies on advanced communication systems to coordinate with other BRASC divisions, ensuring quick and effective responses to emergencies.


Notable Achievements

Crisis Response: The EMTC has been instrumental in responding to major incidents, such as Bloom Beast attacks and sudden Bloom expansions, providing life-saving care to countless individuals.    Innovative Treatments: Collaborations with the Research Division have led to the development of innovative treatments for Bloom-related injuries and illnesses, improving survival rates and recovery times.

Challenges and Adaptations

The EMTC department faces numerous challenges, including the unpredictable nature of the Bloom, limited resources in the field, and the physical and mental toll on their personnel. To address these challenges, the department continually adapts its training, procedures, and equipment, ensuring that they can provide the best possible care under any circumstances.
Military, Medical
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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