Field Medicine and Mobile Clinics

The Field Medicine and Mobile Clinics (FMMC) department within the Medical Division of the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) is dedicated to providing medical care in remote, hazardous, and Bloom-affected environments. This department plays a crucial role in ensuring that medical support is accessible in the most challenging conditions, where traditional medical facilities might not be available or functional.   In summary, the Field Medicine and Mobile Clinics department of BRASC is vital in delivering medical care in challenging and remote environments. Through their mobile units, specialized training, and logistical support, they ensure that medical assistance is available wherever it is needed, helping to address the immediate and ongoing health needs of those affected by the Bloom.


Structure and Organization

Mobile Clinic Teams: These teams operate the mobile medical units and field hospitals. Each team includes doctors, nurses, medics, and support staff trained in field medicine and emergency care.   Field Medicine Specialists: This group includes medical professionals with expertise in trauma care, emergency medicine, and infectious diseases. They provide advanced care in challenging environments and oversee the medical protocols used in the field.   Logistics and Supply Coordinators: Responsible for managing the logistics of medical supplies and equipment, these coordinators ensure that mobile units are properly stocked and maintained. They handle inventory management, resupply missions, and equipment repairs.   Training and Support Staff: This team focuses on training medical personnel and other BRASC members in field medicine, emergency response, and basic first aid. They develop training programs and conduct exercises to prepare for field operations.   Patient Transport Unit: Specializing in the evacuation and transport of patients, this unit arranges and manages patient movement from field locations to more advanced medical facilities. They ensure that patients receive appropriate care during transport.

Public Agenda

Mission and Responsibilities

Emergency Medical Response: The department is tasked with delivering immediate medical care in emergency situations, such as during or after encounters with Bloom Beasts or other hazardous events. This includes stabilizing patients, providing first aid, and managing acute medical conditions on-site.   Mobile Medical Units: The department operates a fleet of mobile clinics and field hospitals that can be deployed to various locations. These units are equipped to provide a wide range of medical services, including emergency care, routine treatments, and minor surgical procedures.   Field Training and Support: Medical personnel in this department receive specialized training for working in field conditions, including how to operate mobile clinics, manage limited resources, and adapt to challenging environments. They also train other BRASC personnel in basic first aid and emergency response.   Logistics and Supply Management: The department is responsible for ensuring that medical supplies and equipment are properly stocked and maintained. This includes managing inventories, coordinating resupply missions, and ensuring that mobile units are equipped with necessary medical resources.   Patient Evacuation and Transport: The department coordinates the evacuation and transport of patients from field locations to more advanced medical facilities if necessary. This involves arranging transportation, managing patient care during transit, and ensuring continuity of care.   Public Health and Preventive Care: In addition to emergency response, the department conducts public health initiatives, such as vaccinations, disease prevention, and health education, to improve overall health outcomes in affected areas.  

Key Functions and Services

Emergency Medical Care: The department provides immediate medical care for injuries, illnesses, and other emergencies that occur in the field. This includes stabilizing patients, treating wounds, and managing acute medical conditions.   Mobile Clinics: The mobile clinics are equipped to handle a variety of medical needs, from routine check-ups to minor surgeries. They are designed to be deployed quickly and set up in various locations.   Field Training: The department offers training in field medicine techniques, including how to operate mobile clinics, manage medical emergencies, and work in challenging environments.   Logistics and Supply Management: Ensures that medical supplies and equipment are available and in good condition. This includes managing inventories, coordinating resupply efforts, and handling equipment maintenance.   Public Health Initiatives: Conducts health campaigns, provides vaccinations, and offers preventive care to reduce the risk of disease and improve overall health in affected areas.


Notable Achievements

Successful Deployment in Crisis Situations: The department has a track record of effectively deploying mobile clinics and providing emergency care in critical situations, including major Bloom-related incidents.   Innovative Field Medicine Techniques: The department has developed and implemented innovative techniques for providing medical care in the field, improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency.   Comprehensive Training Programs: The training programs offered by the department have prepared medical personnel for the unique challenges of working in field conditions, enhancing their readiness and effectiveness.

Challenges and Adaptations

Resource Limitations: Working in remote or hazardous environments often means dealing with limited resources. The department adapts by prioritizing care, optimizing the use of available supplies, and implementing creative solutions for common medical issues.   Environmental Hazards: Medical teams must contend with environmental hazards such as extreme weather, Bloom-related dangers, and difficult terrain. Training and specialized equipment help mitigate these risks.   Patient Transport: Coordinating the transport of patients from field locations to advanced medical facilities can be complex, especially in areas with limited infrastructure. The department addresses this by developing efficient transport protocols and maintaining reliable transportation options.   Psychological Impact: The stress and trauma of working in high-risk environments can affect the mental health of medical personnel. The department provides support and resources to help staff cope with these challenges.
Military, Medical
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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