The Blooming

Origin of the Blooming

The Blooming began in the year 1 AtB (After the Bloom), a cataclysmic event set in motion by an unknown celstial body falling to the land.
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The celestial body was, in fact, the corpse of Sylvana, God of Wood. During a heated argument between the twin Gods of Birth and Death, a stray blow accidentally struck the Nature God. As their divine life force ebbed away, their colossal body fell from the heavens, crashing into the heart of the Calgalli Kingdom. The impact was so profound that it triggered an unprecedented explosion of flora, rapidly spreading invasive plant life across the continent of Largitas.

Initial Impact

The initial Blooming was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Within days, the central kingdom of Calgalli was engulfed in an impenetrable jungle. Trees grew to unimaginable heights, flowers bloomed with unnatural vibrancy, and vines snaked their way through cities and villages, overtaking structures and landscapes alike. The speed and aggression of this growth were unlike anything seen before, leaving little time for the inhabitants to react.  

First Wave of Bloom

The first wave of the Blooming began immediately in 1 AtB and continued for several decades. It was characterized by rapid, uncontrollable plant growth that spread outward from the epicenter in Calgalli. Despite the kingdom’s efforts to contain it, the Bloom expanded relentlessly. By 50 AtB, it reached the borders of neighboring kingdoms, which were unprepared for the onslaught due to Calgalli’s initial secrecy.  

Symptoms and Effects of the Bloom

Flora Overgrowth: Buildings, farmlands, and roads were swallowed by aggressive vegetation. Ancient forests emerged overnight, and previously arid regions became lush but hazardous jungles.
Fauna Mutation: Animals began to mutate, becoming more aggressive and often developing plant-like characteristics. This created new, dangerous species that further threatened human survival.
Bloom Infection: People exposed to the Bloom often contracted an infection that caused flowers, leaves, or fungi to sprout from their skin. This infection, known as "The Bloom," granted druidic powers but slowly took control of the infected's mind, turning them into plant-like beings.  

The Secrecy and Spread

For 50 years, the Calgalli Kingdom managed to keep the full extent of the Bloom’s spread a secret, attempting to find a solution while containing the disaster within its borders. However, as the Bloom grew uncontrollable, it inevitably spread to other regions, forcing Calgalli to confess the truth. Neighboring kingdoms, unprepared for the scope and severity of the Bloom, struggled to react effectively, leading to widespread chaos and loss of life.  

Key Events Between 1 AtB and 50 AtB

10 AtB: The first signs of fauna mutation appear, with local wildlife becoming increasingly aggressive and exhibiting plant-like traits.
15 AtB: The first documented case of human infection by the Bloom , leading to the appearance of druidic powers and eventual mental deterioration.
25 AtB: Reports of entire villages being overtaken overnight by the Bloom, with survivors either fleeing or becoming infected.
30 AtB: Calgalli’s capital city falls to the Bloom, prompting the royal family to relocate and heighten secrecy efforts.
40 AtB: Scholars and mages from Calgalli begin covertly researching ways to halt or reverse the Bloom, with little success.
45 AtB: Refugees from Calgalli start leaking stories of the Bloom to other kingdoms, but these are initially dismissed as rumors or exaggerations.
49 AtB: The Bloom breaches the borders of Calgalli, with neighboring kingdoms witnessing the first waves of invasive plant growth.  

Official Recognition and Formation of BRASC

102 AtB: The first official cases of Bloom infection are identified outside of Calgalli, confirming the severity of the situation.
103 AtB: A council of the remaining kingdoms is convened to discuss the Bloom and possible countermeasures. The calamity is officially recognized, and collective efforts to address it begin.
105 AtB: The Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) is founded, tasked with studying the Bloom, searching for solutions, and scouting affected areas to monitor the spread and identify potential safe zones.  

Construction of City Ships

In response to the uninhabitable land, the kingdoms commenced the construction of massive City Ships to house their populations safely away from the Bloom.   107 AtB: Construction of The Iron Leviathan begins.
108 AtB: Construction of The Celestial Arcadia begins.
110 AtB: Construction of The Verdant Refuge begins.

Current State of the World

By the current year of 174 AtB, Largitas has drastically transformed. The super-continent is dominated by aggressive plant growth and hostile mutated creatures. The surviving humanoid population now primarily lives on enormous City Ships, sailing the oceans to avoid the dangerous mainland. The land has become a forbidden zone, with only the bravest or most desperate daring to venture into the Bloom-infested territories. The BRASC continues its efforts to understand and combat the Bloom, but the future remains uncertain as each new wave threatens the very survival of life in Largitas.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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Jul 16, 2024 13:03

dayum girl this ate

Jul 16, 2024 13:15

Uhm...Thank you?